Growing carrots and parsnips root crops

ROOT CROPS Crisp, sweet carrots are just the beginning of delicious roots from the vegetable garden. Parsnips are back in style, possibly because of their sweet nutty flavor when lightly grilled. The new appreciation for vegetarian cuisine has also caused a surge of interest in turnips and rutabagas, two root crops long known only as stock-up foods for hard times. […]

TRACHYMENE (Daucus) – Lace flower, Annual Flower Information

TRACHYMENE (Daucus) Lace flower (Name from trachus-rough hymen-a membrane;channels of the fruit) Some few years ago an old favorite annual given the pleasing name of Lace flower was introduced. It is Trachymene caerulea. It is beautiful but does not always succeed as well as the old standbys. The flower heads are made up of small azure flowers produced in umbels […]