Tips for Cleaning Your Greenhouse

Weekly, remove dead plant material from plants and soil. Watch for slugs and other pests on plants, in pots, under trays, in corners, and beneath benches. Sterilize pots and flats with Physan 20 (#7620) before reusing them. At least once a year, take all your plants out of your greenhouse and thoroughly clean the greenhouse, benches, shelves, and walkways. Spray […]

Plant care for Artemisia Wormwood, Annual Flower Information

ARTEMISIA Wormwood (Named for Artemisia, the wife of the mythological Mausolus) One species of Artemisia, A. sacrorum, is annual. It is also called Russian Wormwood (Summerfir). The plants grow fully 6 feet tall. The leaves are very finely divided, lacy and are either a deep green or gray. The flowers are very minute, but in mass give a greenish yellow […]

Artemisia – Wormwood, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

This group of plants, as a whole, are not generally valued for their flowers. but all have very ornamental foliage. The plants are almost as hardy as Oaks, yet are very attractive when in bloom from August until frost-time. The flowers are borne on long. graceful stems, divided like a plume, and are either light creamy or yellowish-white in color. […]


When I was growing up in a rural area in western New York State, some of the farmers used to say that drought came in eleven-year cycles. This was not as bad as it sounds. To my knowledge, the area never suffered through eleven consecutive years of disastrous water shortages. The theory was simply that eleven years of relatively dry […]