How to select a garden fence

Two things are very important in the garden. They are privacy and shelter. The latter is often a problem in gardens that are exposed to cold prevailing winds. Both these points are important not only for the gardener himself but […]

Growing Artichokes for food or garden planting

ARTICHOKES: CHINESE, GLOBE, AND JERUSALEM There are three distinct kinds of Artichoke grown as vegetables: the Jerusalem Artichoke, for its tubers; the Globe Artichoke, for the young flower heads, and the young shoots, which are blanched to provide “chards”; and […]

Growing Delphiniums

The modern delphinium is one of the most spectacular and popular garden flowers. There are wide ranges of colors, several flower forms, and varieties of different heights. Hobby growers strive to produce the largest individual flowering spikes possible. PLANT RIGHT: […]

Butterfly Hummingbird – Garden Plan

Garden, Butterfly / Hummingbird – Garden Plan Create your own wildlife habitat. Three each: Mixed Monarda, Keys of Heaven, Red Penstemon, White Dragonflower and Wild Romance Aster; one Black Knight Butterfly Bush. Planting instructions included.     This collection includes: […]

How to grow Astilbe

Many of the older species had colourless flowers which may be the origin of the name, from the Greek a, no, stilbe, rightness (Saxifragaceae). A small genus of herbaceous perennials with feathery plumes composed of myriads of minute flowers in […]

How to grow Aster

From the Greek aster, star, describing the flower shape (Compositae). Michaelmas daisy. Among the most useful herbaceous perennials, most of the asters flower in late summer right into the autumn and are extremely hardy and easy to grow. They increase […]

Gentiana – Perennial Plant, How to grow

How to grow Gentiana Gentiana (jen-te-a-na) Named after Gentius, King of Illyria who first used the plant medicinally (Gentianaceae). Gentian. A large genus of hardy perennials. Most of those in cultivation are dwarf plants suitable for the rock garden, but […]

Selecting the correct Climbing Plants

House walls, garden walls, fences, archways, pergolas, trellises, poles, either single or erected tripod fashion and other vertical or near-vertical features, provide the gardener with another dimension in which to grow plants. There are attractive plants available for this purpose, […]

Transplanting guide for all gardeners

Your transplanting success will increase if you’ll observe a few simple rules that take into account the plants’ needs. Basic as they are, simple as they may seem, they are still the fundamentals around which successful transplanting is built, so […]