Perennials for Edging

Edging your garden provides a clean crisp look. Your garden borders will stand out when there’s a clean edge between the planting area and your landscape paths, driveway, sidewalk, and your lawn. Common edging, such as stone, wood, or brick, […]

How to prune roses this Spring

SPRING PRUNING of established roses is always a gamble. If you prune too early, late spring frosts can kill all the canes. If you prune too late, some of the plants’ strength will be lost in the growth of the […]

A Taste of Asia Gardening

Lately, I have noticed that the mail-order garden supply catalogs are full of Asian-themed garden accessories such as pots, traditional bamboo fences, and stone lanterns. This seems to go along with the trend toward Asian-inspired minimalism in home décor. In California and […]

Keeping Lawns Weed Free

A few years ago weeds were a major lawn problem. Today, however, it is no longer necessary to spend hours of back-breaking labor pulling and digging trouble-some weeds. The use of selective lawn week killers such as Ortho Weed-B-Gon or […]


Two weeks ago I went to a wonderful lecture at the New York Botanical Garden.  The speaker was Barry Yinger, a well known plantsman and author who specializes in Asian flora.  The topic for the day was “New Japanese Plants […]