If one is looking for a plant a little out of the ordinary, surely the stately Lupines will fill this need, for they are among the most beautiful perennials grown. Lupinus polyphyllus is the most popular species. It grows from ~ feet to 5 feet in height and has beautiful, long spikes of pea-shaped or butterfly-like flowers covering at least […]
Plant care for Lupines, Annual Flower Information
LUPINUS Lupine (From lupus-wolf, destroying soil as does the wolf) Lupines are attractive plants bearing Pea like flowers in whorls upon long, graceful spikes. There are annual and perennial species. The annual varieties are mainly derived from the following species: Lupinus luteus, the European Yellow Lupine, in which the flowers are yellow, and the stems hairy; L. hirsutus, the European […]
Lupine – Perennial Plant, How to grow
From the Latin lupus, a wolf (destroyer), because it was thought that the plants depleted the fertility of the soil by sheer numbers (Leguminosae). Lupine. A genus of over 300 species of annuals, perennials, and subshrubs, mainly from North America, though there are a few Mediterranean species which, since Roman times, have been used for green manuring. This is surprising […]