How to improve your gardening soil

Just Take the Soil As You Find It A gardener must make up his mind to use the soil he has. Of course, there is such a thing as buying top soil and having it trucked in. But it is expensive and not always satisfactory. So, what should be done? Here is a sound pattern Pick up trash and have […]

Problems with Pot Plants

Subdivided into the following sections for convenience: Watering General problems Problems with individual pot plants (a) WATERING Q. How can I water my pot plants? I know very little about care of these plants. A. Where the pot plants concerned are being grown indoors, i.e. not in a greenhouse, they will fall roughly into two groups—(a) flowering, and (b) foliage. […]

Transplanting guide for all gardeners

Your transplanting success will increase if you’ll observe a few simple rules that take into account the plants’ needs. Basic as they are, simple as they may seem, they are still the fundamentals around which successful transplanting is built, so follow them and give the plants the best of care following their transfer. These are the general rules. Those which have […]


It pains me to admit it, but for once my sister is right. I am becoming wimpy in my old age. When I was growing up in a snowy slice of New York State, 30 miles east of Buffalo, it did not matter to me that winter sometimes lasted until Memorial Day. We had our own set of rules for […]

Groundcovers are the true workhorses of a garden

There are not many plants that can be truly called a workhorse in a garden, yet many groundcovers are exactly that. Once established, they require no care, instead providing a large, weed-free mat of their vegetation and flowers. The choices available to a gardener are becoming unreal as well; plain or variegated leaf, bloom colour, small or large-leaved, sun or […]

Salad Recipe – Let’s Plant!

These are crops grown especially for salads and those which, although suitable for other use, may also be added to the salad bowl. You should create your own salad recipe of plants. Lettuce is the foundation of most salads and the gardener may take his choice from the many butterheads, crispheads, cos and loose leaf varieties. `May Queen’ is liked […]

Malva – Perennial Plant, How to grow

From the Greek malakos, soft or soothing, probably in reference to an emollient yielded by the seeds (Malvaceae). A genus of hardy herbaceous perennial and annual plants. M. moschata, the musk mallow, is one of the most decorative of wild flowers, quite suitable for the herbaceous border. It is even more lovely in its white variety. All parts of the […]


In spring any color is welcome, but I sometimes think that we end up with a glut of yellows, especially when the daffodils are out. Fortunately, Mother Nature gave us contrast in the form of a few blue flowers that bloom at the same time. The best ones, lungwort (Pulmonaria sps.), false or perennial forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla) and true forget-me-not […]

Hillside Gardening – Plants for a bank or the hill side.

Hillside Gardening Plants for a bank or the hill side. The simplest way to plant a bank is to make a grassy slope of it. This isn’t the best way in which a bank can be treated, since it lacks interest and will be more difficult to mow than a level lawn. If the bank is fairly extensive an excellent […]

Banana Growing and Planting Guide

A native of the East Indies and other tropical countries, the Banana can be grown and fruited successfully in a roomy, well-heated greenhouse; it is usually seen in botanical garden collections of economic plants. In the far South, some kinds are grown outdoors. In habit and general appearance, it differs from the majority of plants. The long fleshy leafstalks, which […]