The Herbaceous Garden

WHAT an ugly name! But would “My Perennial Garden,” even if correct, sound any better, or “My Hardy Plant Garden”? So I must just leave it. It was originally the kitchen. gar en, but as it is close to the house and bordering the drive, the vegetables have been banished and only the fruit-trees retained on high walls, many centuries […]

Planting tips for perennial flowers

Sooner or later, every gardener falls in love with a few select perennials. Perennials are flowering plants that live many years, but die back during their dormant season which is usually winter. When planted under the right conditions, perennials grow and prosper for years, often with little attention. Each perennial has a peak season of bloom, usually lasting from one […]

What if I don’t do fall yard clean up?

WHAT IF… If the garden magazines, web pages and other information sources are to be believed, the world is full of gardeners who worry a lot about cause and effect. Most of them are busy—too busy sometimes to do the things that they think they ought to do in the garden. This is a frequent source of guilt, and since […]

Keeping Lawns Weed Free

A few years ago weeds were a major lawn problem. Today, however, it is no longer necessary to spend hours of back-breaking labor pulling and digging trouble-some weeds. The use of selective lawn week killers such as Ortho Weed-B-Gon or Lilly-Miler, takes the drudgery out of lawn weeding. Dandelions, common plaintain, buckhorn, thistle, wild carrot and over 80 other broadleaf […]