Selecting the Correct Tree to Plant

Planting a tree takes a lot of thought. We may have to consider if we want a tree that is: Lets read more about to assist in understanding these factors. Trees decorative throughout the year Decorative bark and good foliage color Broad-leaved ACER CAPILLIPES Young bark striated with white; young growths coral red, leaves turning crimson in autumn. A. davidii, […]

Growing Calanthe Orchid

Autumn and winter flowering evergreen and leaf-losing Orchids natives of Asia, Africa and Australasia. The name Calanthe is derived from the Greek kalos, beautiful, and anthos, a flower. Calanthe belongs to the family Orchidaceae. Leaf-Losing Kinds Of these, the two most important species are C. rosea and C. vestita. The latter has the larger flowers, with usually white segments, and […]

Erigeron – Perennial Plant, How to grow

From the Greek eri, early or ear, spring, geron, old, possibly referring to the hoary leaves of some species (Cornpositae). Fleabane. Hardy herbaceous, daisy-flowered perennials some of which continue to flower intermittently throughout the summer. Species cultivated E. alpinus, 9 inches, purple and yellow, August, northern Alps. E. aurantiacus, orange daisy. 12-18 inches, orange, summer, Turkestan. E. aureus, 4 inches, […]

Beaumontia Grandiflora Cultivation

BEAUMONTIA GRANDIFLORA (Beaumon’tia) A beautiful climbing plant from India, belonging to the Periwinkle family, Apocynaceae. It forms a woody stem, clothed with leathery green leaves, and bears large, white, trumpet-shaped flowers in spring. It must be grown in a house having a minimum winter temperature of 55 degrees or may be planted outdoors in the deep South. The name commemorates […]

Growing Guide for Gypsophila – Perennial Plant

From the Greek gypsos, chalk, phileo, to love; the plants prefer chalky soils (Caryophyllaceae). Hardy annuals and perennials of great value in both the border and rock garden; the dwarf kinds also look well in pans in the alpine house. They are mainly natives of the eastern Mediterranean region. Perennial species cultivated Cultivation Plant both rock garden and border kinds […]

Plant care for Sweet Alyssum, Annual Flower

SWEET ALYSSUM (Name derived from a-not lyssa, rage a myth relates that the plant dispels anger) The Sweet Alyssum is one of our most beloved white edging plants. Seed catalogs list many varieties of Alyssum maritimum, some being dwarf, tufted plants and others more or less trailing. The Double Sweet Alyssum is widely used by commercial florists for design work. […]

SCHIZANTHUS – Butterfly flower, Annual Flower Information

The flowers of this plant are a delight to those who admire extreme grace, dainty markings, and fantastic forms. Many flowers have been compared by writers to butterflies , but it is only this one that has received the name of Butterfly flower. The Butterfly weed (Asclepias) and the Butterfly bush (Buddleia) is so-called not because they resemble butterflies, but […]

IBERIS – Candytuft, Annual Flower Information

IBERIS – Candytuft (Name from Iberia, the ancient name of Spain. The word Candytuft was originally Candia tuft, signifying the tufted plant from Candia) The neat heads of Candytuft bloom are always greatly admired. Many persons confuse this flower with Sweet-alyssum which bears smaller flowers in smaller clusters and has a longer season of bloom. The white Candytuft is most […]

PENTSTEMON – Bearded tongue, Annual Flower Information

PENTSTEMON – Bearded tongue (From Greek for five stamens, the fifth is sterile and bearded) Persons who are familiar with the Gloxinia Pentstemon, Pentstemon gloxinioides, already know its beauty; to others who are not, we would say that the price of a packet of seed is entirely out of proportion to the pleasure of bringing these flowers into bloom. The […]

TRACHYMENE (Daucus) – Lace flower, Annual Flower Information

TRACHYMENE (Daucus) Lace flower (Name from trachus-rough hymen-a membrane;channels of the fruit) Some few years ago an old favorite annual given the pleasing name of Lace flower was introduced. It is Trachymene caerulea. It is beautiful but does not always succeed as well as the old standbys. The flower heads are made up of small azure flowers produced in umbels […]