Landscape Design – Prairie Garden

Against a backdrop of gently swaying tall Grasses, this garden recreates the look of a prairie wildflower meadow. Make sure you have enough room for the Saccharum Grass-it gets huge! If space is limited, you may want to use Calamagrostis `Karl Foerster’ in its place. Give this garden a full day’s sun and average soil. Before planting, clear the area […]

Flowering Fiesta Bright Colors Garden Designs

Flowering fiesta Bright Color Helpful Hints Subsitute Penstemon ‘Scarlet Queen’ for Physostegia ‘Vivid’ and this could be a Zone 4 collection. Plant this garden in the sunniest location of your yard for best performance. Add in crimson, fall-color shrubs like Burning Bush or spring blooming border Fosythia to add to the excitement. Planting with posthole digger make it a quick […]

Coastal Perennial Garden Designs for the home garden, Landscaping designs

Transforming your barren, coastal home landscape into a seaside oasis can be an impossible task to imagine undertaking. The constant challenges of poor, sandy soil, shifting dunes, glaring sun, strong winds, and salt spray could be enough for many to throw in the trowel. Paying attention to the microdimates around your coastal nook can help you to create the perfect […]

Privacy Garden Designs for the home garden, Landscaping designs

If your property has more exposure to traffic, neighbors, or passersby than you like, you can create a living fence using a mixture of tall ornamental Grasses, flowering shrubs, and large, colorful perennials. Although the diagram indicates a corner location, the recommended plantings could be reconfigured to fit a long border or any other situation. One of the most attractive […]

Bright Colorful Garden Designs for the home garden, Landscaping designs

If a vibrant, sizzling garden color is what you’re looking for, this design is made to order. Fiery shades of golden-yellow, orange, and scarlet are the attention-getters here, but it is the addition of complementary rich purple and cooling lavender that makes the combination distinctive. Silvery Artemisia and Buddleia foliage, along with feathery ornamental Grasses, serve not only as mediators […]

Butterfly & Hummingbird Garden Design for the home garden, Landscaping designs

As pleasing to our eyes as it is to its winged visitors, this garden shimmers in scarlet, purple, orange, and yellow, the vibrant colors most attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. The selected perennials also feature fragrance and special characteristics—clusters of small flowers and tubular forms—essential to drawing your small guests. The Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) and Caryopteris …. shrubs provide shelter […]

Garden Plan, Versatile Corner

A Garden Corner flower plan Turn a corner into a beautiful perennial display with the colorful plants Spring Hill has selected for this versatile Corner Garden. While the diagram shows a garden designed to fit into an 8′ x 12′ area, the 14 plants can be arranged in a number of different ways in any area of approximately 96 sq. […]

A Look at Curb Edging your Garden

When it comes to the garden, there are plenty of reasons why it’s worth focusing on the curb edging you choose. This is because the curb is more than a neat way to mark where your garden comes to an end; it is an essential addition that can divide areas, help the garden to flourish, and even keep you safe. […]

Garden, Lamppost Full-Circle Plan

Garden, Lamppost Full-Circle Plan An elegant touch for any landscape is a lamppost surrounded by beautiful perennials. You don’t even need a lamppost to create this floral display. You can substitute a signpost, small tree, trellis or a metal or wooden post with a decorative top. (Consider, for example, a post topped by a charming weather vane.) To create an […]

Where to plant the flower garden

A place may have flowers in abundance without any space being set aside for a garden. Vines, beds beside the house or terrace, planting along the boundary fence, flowering trees and shrubs can accomplish this. If, however, there is to be a definite garden there are certain fundamentals to be considered. The very name garden comes from garth, meaning an […]