How To Drive A Zero Turn Mower

A ride-on mower can be a great innovation to help you maintain your lawn, especially if you have a larger property. Of the many lawn mowers available, a zero turn mower is one of the most popular options, chosen because it’s smaller turning circle gives it higher manoeuvrability and makes it easier to reach difficult locations. However, many people can […]

Select Your Grass Seed According To Your Growing Region

Although surrounding your home with a lush, beautiful lawn may be something you dream of each spring as the warm weather arrives, you may find it takes a great deal of effort to maintain if you don’t have the right type of seed, watering techniques, or nutrient schedule. There are distinct differences in the requirements of cool grasses and warm […]

Lawn care – How to Plant a Lawn or Grass

How many times have you heard this remark? “Oh, what a beautiful home!” Frequently the person who says this refers to the green, velvety lawn, for a lawn adds more to the beauty of a home than any other single factor. Many homeowners have admired the lawns of others and wished that his/her own lawn could be made as attractive. […]

Garden Fruit & Fruit Trees

Fruit If you have space in the garden, people like to grow fruit and vegetables due to better flavored, fresher and less expensive than stores. If the are to be grown at all it is worth growing them really well. So before planting make sure that your soil is deep, well dug, clean of weeds, moist, open to sun and […]

Grow and care for Geraniums (Pelargoniums)

The geranium was introduced into Europe from South Africa towards the beginning of the 17th century; today it is one of the most popular of flowers. It is native to South Africa, Australia and Turkey, but is now widely grown in the temperate areas of the world. Of the several sub-divisions of the genus the following six are the most […]

Growing Melons in a greenhouse

Growing Melons in a greenhouse Belonging to the same genus (Cucumis) as the cucumber, the melon requires similar conditions but provides us with one of the most refreshing fruits that can grace our table. Certain varieties of melon may be grown under cloches, in cold frames or in an unheated greenhouse, but in each case a high temperature is necessary […]

Growing and Care – Cherry Fruit Trees

Cherries Two main groups of cherries are cultivated for the merit of their fruit, the `sweet’, dessert (Prunus avium) and the `sour’, culinary (Prunus cerasus); a third group, the ‘Duke’ cherries, form an intermediate class. The sweets are subdivided into the ‘black’ and ‘white’ varieties. All fruiting cherries are hardy in the British Isles, though the blossom may be damaged […]

Grape Vines – Grow and Care

Grape Vines Grapes can be grown quite successfully out of doors in the southern part of the country, preferably given the protection of a warm wall. Plant between October and February in a rich, deep soil. Plant firmly and immediately after planting, prune the young plant to within 30cm (12in) from its base to encourage a strong shoot to grow. […]

How to grow Helenium

How to grow Helenium Ask anyone if he knows sneezeweed and chances are that he can’t place it. But tell him about the splendid helenium or Helens flower you had last fall and you have his sympathetic ear. Yet few appreciate its true value for gardens acid for cutting. Like quite a few other flowers native to North America, it […]

Garden Guide on Hedges

HEDGES THAT CAN TAKE IT! Seemingly, many home gardeners fail to appreciate the value and proper use of pruning shears, plant food, and mulches in the care of hedges. It doesn’t take a lot of time or effort to grow beautiful hedges, and hedge plants are not especially exacting in their requirements, but a few conditions must be met. SELECT […]