There is some bulb, corm or tuber suitable for growing in almost any place you can name, though most prefer a sunny position. The following are some possibilities:
- Display beds devoted to nothing else: Hyacinths, greigii tulips, dahlias
- To grow through other bedding plants: Darwin tulips through wallflowers or forget-me-nots, Cannas through summer bedding plants or annuals
- To edge beds: Dutch crocuses, short alliums, muscari, zephyranthes, chionodoxa, scillas, puschkinia
- In clumps (groups) in mixed borders. Tall alliums, crocosmia, daffodils, summer snowflakes, crown imperial, camassia, some lilies, galtonia, dahlias,
tall tulips - In beds for cutting: gladioli, dahlias, narcissi, irises (Dutch, English and Spanish), St Brigid and Du Caen anemones, some alliums
- Naturalized in long grass: Narcissi (daffodils)
- Naturalized in short turf: Tiny daffodils, fritillaries, muscari
- Naturalized under deciduous shrubs or trees: Anemone blanda, eranthis, cyclamen, showdrops, colchicums
- Naturalized in thin woodland: Some alliums, English bluebells, erythroniums, ornithogalum, Galanthus nivalis
- On rock gardens: Chinodoxas, choice fritillaries, small irises, small narcissi, crocus species, some alliums
- Grown in alpine houses or cold frames: Winter-flowering crocuses, small irises, cyclamen, Anemone blanda, small fritillaries, fall snowflakes, small South African corms
- Tender bulbs for outdoor planting in favorable localities: lxias, nerine, amaryllis, pancratium, babiana, sternbergia, sparaxia, crinurn
- In warm but moist places: Tigridia, ranunculus, chincherinchee
- Grown in cool borders among evergreen shrubs: Most lilies, galtonia, colchicums
- Grown in pots or vases on a terrace: Hyacinths, daffodils, begonias
- Grown in pots or bowls indoors: Hyacinths, daffodils, early tulips, crocuses, muscari, scilla, dwarf irises, hippeastrum, vallota
- Grown in pots in a cool greenhouse: Begonias, gloxinias, lachenalias, veltheimias, nerines, hymenocallis, eucomis, some lilies and begonias in hanging baskets
- Grown in pots or boxes in a cool greenhouse, but for cutting: Gladiolus colvillei. Dutch, Spanish and English irises, ixiolirion, freesias, tulips, narcissi, tritonia, chincherinchee, acidanthera
- In an intermediate greenhouse: Cyclamen, gloxinias, smithianthas, vallota, gloriosa as a climber, and achimenes in baskets
Photo credit: Derk DeWit
Where to plant the garden flower bulb
How to plant a garden bulb – Tulips, Daffodils, Lily, etc
Flower garden bulbs, Corms or Tubers for your garden.
How to Select Bulbs, Corms and Tubers in a Garden Store
When to shop for Bulbs, Corms and Tubers in the Garden Stores.
What is a garden bulb, corm and tuber?