Colorful Mailbox – Garden Plan
If you don’t already have a mailbox in front of your house, you may want to add one so you can duplicate this special garden. Or, you can substitute a trellis, fencing, wall anchors or any upright, so the Nelly Moser Clematis can form a centerpiece for the supporting cast of Clustered Bellflowers, Daisies, and Dragon’s Blood Sedum. While our illustration shows a 4′ x 6′ planting arrangement, these same perennials can be spaced to add beauty to a much larger area if you prefer.
Mailboxes are perfect places to grow the “Queen of Clematis” – the beautiful, free-flowering, two-tone Nelly Moser. The vines are light and airy…won’t rot a wood post…stay within bounds and smother themselves in a galaxy of six-inch flowers that resemble a starburst. The violet-blue Clustered Bellflowers and white Little Miss Muffet Daisies complement the Clematis colors, while Dragon’s Blood Sedum makes a striking, drought-tolerant, well-behaved ground cover.
Garden contains 13 plants.
A) Bellflower, Clustered
B) Daisy, Little Miss Muffet
C) Clematis, Nelly Moser
D) Sedum, Dragon’s Blood
This collection includes:
A Bellflower, Clustered(3), Funnel-shaped, 1″ violet-blue blooms appear all summer.
B Little Miss Muffet Daisy(3), These dainty white and yellow blooms are a favorite perennial of American gardeners.
C Nelly Moser Clematis (1), To create privacy, highlight an architectural feature or hide an unsightly area, there is no finer choice than this mauve pink with red hint Climbing Clematis.
D Dragon’s Blood Sedum (6), A fast-growing ground cover with brilliant red flowers in late summer and succulent, needle-like leaves in vibrant orange-red.
I’ve tried different computers but the flower pictures and plan are not loading.
It’s fixed
Awesome. Thank you.