Colorful Mailbox – Garden Plan

Colorful Mailbox - Garden Plan

Colorful Mailbox – Garden Plan


Garden, Colorful Mailbox


If you don’t already have a mailbox in front of your house, you may want to add one so you can duplicate this special garden. Or, you can substitute a trellis, fencing, wall anchors or any upright, so the Nelly Moser Clematis can form a centerpiece for the supporting cast of Clustered Bellflowers, Daisies, and Dragon’s Blood Sedum. While our illustration shows a 4′ x 6′ planting arrangement, these same perennials can be spaced to add beauty to a much larger area if you prefer.

Mailboxes are perfect places to grow the “Queen of Clematis” – the beautiful, free-flowering, two-tone Nelly Moser. The vines are light and airy…won’t rot a wood post…stay within bounds and smother themselves in a galaxy of six-inch flowers that resemble a starburst. The violet-blue Clustered Bellflowers and white Little Miss Muffet Daisies complement the Clematis colors, while Dragon’s Blood Sedum makes a striking, drought-tolerant, well-behaved ground cover.

Garden Poems and Versus

Garden contains 13 plants.

Bellflower, Clustered A) Bellflower, Clustered

Daisy, Little Miss Muffet B) Daisy, Little Miss Muffet

Clematis, Nelly Moser C) Clematis, Nelly Moser

Sedum, Dragon's Blood D) Sedum, Dragon’s Blood

This collection includes:
A Bellflower, Clustered(3), Funnel-shaped, 1″ violet-blue blooms appear all summer.
B Little Miss Muffet Daisy(3), These dainty white and yellow blooms are a favorite perennial of American gardeners.
C Nelly Moser Clematis (1), To create privacy, highlight an architectural feature or hide an unsightly area, there is no finer choice than this mauve pink with red hint Climbing Clematis.
D Dragon’s Blood Sedum (6), A fast-growing ground cover with brilliant red flowers in late summer and succulent, needle-like leaves in vibrant orange-red.

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    I’ve tried different computers but the flower pictures and plan are not loading.


      It’s fixed


        Awesome. Thank you.

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