Garden, Foundation Sun Plan

Garden, Foundation Sun Plan

Garden, Foundation Sun Plan

Garden, Foundation Sun

No part of a landscaping plan is more important than the foundations of your home. Without plantings, they are often the least attractive part of the house. Yet, these areas are the ones most often seen by homeowners and visitors alike. One of the most important things to remember in selecting foundation planting material is that you are endeavoring to enhance the house, not smother it. Often, however, foundation landscaping is just a few evergreen shrubs with perhaps an occasional planting of annuals–not the colors and textures of a coordinated planting of beautiful flowering shrubs and perennials.

To help you beautify your foundations, our expert nurserymen have created the Foundation Sun Garden which is ideal for a 90 sq. ft. area that gets at least six hours of sun each day.

The flowering shrubs in this garden – a Double Mock Orange and three Hydrangeas – look magnificent planted against clapboard, stone or brick, softening monotonous expanses that are often seen along house foundations. The perennials are all hardy, with an emphasis on cool blue shades, highlighted with white.

The Garden contains 28 plants.

full sun garden foundation planting plan

Hydrangea, Forever Pink A) Hydrangea, Forever
Hydrangea, Nikko Blue B) Hydrangea, Nikko
Mock Orange, Double C) Mock Orange,
Delphinium, Belladonna D) Delphinium, Belladonna
Canterbury Bells, Pink E) Canterbury Bells,
Daisy, Shasta, Alaska F) Daisy, Shasta,
Balloonflower, White G) Balloonflower,
Bellflower, Clustered H) Bellflower, Clustered
Campanula, Blue Chip I) Campanula, Blue

This collection includes:
A Forever Pink Hydrangea (1), Giant 6-8″ pastel pink flower heads hold their color well. Hardy shrub grows just 3′ tall with a 4-6′ spread.

B Nikko Blue Hydrangea (2), Big 6″ cobalt blue flower heads on 3-6′ tall emerald mounds are a breathtaking sight all season long. Blooms turn golden bronze in autumn.

C Double Mock Orange (1), Ideal 6-8′ tall planting for a privacy screen or background for flower beds. .

D Delphinium, Belladonna (3), 36-48″ spires are covered with light blue 2-3″double florets.

E Pink Canterbury Bells (3), Old-fashioned favorite for mixed borders, beds and cottage gardens.

F Alaska Shasta Daisy —  (3), Classic white and yellow daisies but with multiple flowers on each stalk.

G White Balloonflower (3), Before opening, saucer-shaped flowers resemble white balloons .

H Bellflower, Clustered (3), Funnel-shaped, 1″ violet-blue blooms appear all summer.

I Campanula, Blue Chip (3), Darling upturned bells in vivid blue smother heart-shaped foliage all summer long.

J Hardy Geranium (3), Masses of violet-blue saucer-shaped flowers bloom late spring through summer.

K Blue Balloonflower (3), Buds pop when squeezed. Blooms mid to late summer.

Free Garden Catalog


    timothy whalen

    I live in zone 10. South west florida. Gardening up in Wisconsin was fun . It’s tougher down here in South west florida. Do you have any plant catalogs made for zone 10 not including palm trees.


    It is hard to read the letters on the garden foundation sun plan drawing. I’m very interested in using this plan but since I’m a beginner, I need to be able to see the letters as to where to plant each perennial. Could you please send it to me via email.

      Frederick Leeth

      We stretched out the photo and we agree, it’s bad. Hope this helps.


        I too am a beginner and would appreciate if you could send a clearer version of this planting chart.

    Kim Sowers

    Hi! I can’t make out the letters in the garden plan. Could you send me a clearer image? Thanks!

      Frederick Leeth



    Hey thank you for posting this! I’m a beginner with no landscaping around my house and I love this beautiful plan. I wanted to keep the plants native, so I made the following changes, trying to keep the sizes and colors of the plants roughly the same:
    Rose Mallow instead of pink hydrangeas
    Blueberry instead of blue hydrangea
    Blue false indigo instead of delphinium
    Pink prairie phlox instead of canterbury bells
    White California poppy instead of white balloonflower
    Blue columbine instead of bellflower
    White coneflower instead of shasta daisy
    Common hepatica instead of blue chip campanula
    Cranesbill geranium instead of hardy geranium
    Texas bluebonnet instead of blue balloonflower

    Let me know what you think. I’m excited to have some actual landscaping this year!


    What zones is this plan for?

      Frederick Leeth

      I would say Zone 7-8.

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