Greenhouse Potting Mix

Greenhouse Potting Mix

Greenhouse Growing Tips

Great greenhouse tips and useful information to
keep your greenhouse running efficiently.




Mixing Your Own Soils

#1 – is a basic mix for use with most types of

3 parts organic matter (peat, humus,
or sawdust)
1 part sand, perlite, or vermiculite (or a mixture
of these)

Mixture #2 – is used for acid-loving

4 parts organic matter
1 part sand, perlite, or vermiculite
Note: for best results, at least one part of
the organic matter should be leafmold

Mixture #3 – for Cacti and Succulents
(except the tropical Cacti), and other plants
that need good drainage:

3 parts organic matter
2 parts sand, perlite, or vermiculite
Note: for best results, use fine gravel (such
as that used in aquariums) for one part of the

Mixture #4 – for potting up
newly-rooted cuttings of most plants:

2 parts organic matter
1 parts sand, perlite, or vermiculite

Mixture #5 – for newly-rooted
cuttings of acid-loving plants:

2 parts organic matter
2 parts sand, perlite, or vermiculite
Note: for best results, use one part leafmold
for the organic matter

Mixture #6 – especially for
the tropical Cacti, most Bromeliads, and some

3 parts bark chips
1 part organic matter
1 part sand, perlite, or vermiculite

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