Rainier / Pearl / Lucky Lager Beer Bottle Cap Puzzles Solved: Rainier Beer Pearl Beer Lucky Lager Ballantine Ale

Rainier / Pearl / Lucky Lager Beer Bottle Cap Puzzles Solved: Rainier Beer Pearl Beer Lucky Lager Ballantine Ale

Rainer Bottle Caps Puzzle It took me a while to find the answer to the Rainer bottle caps; I thought I would provide it to you here.

Look for the number on the cap and match it up below.

So far, we have the following answers:

26)Music to my earsmusic + two + M + eye + ear + S
30)Strike while the irons hotstrike + W + isle + the + iron + S + hot
32)Take it or leave itT + cake – C + IT + oar + leave + IT
36)Easy come, easy goEZ + come + EZ + go
55)Back to Natureback + ton + 8 +ER
57)  It’s out of the questionITS + OUT + OF + THE + K + west + chin
81)  No place to go but upNO + PL + ace + two + go + butt + UP
82)  You’ll go down in historyYUL + go + down + IN + HE + store + E
86)  Hang on to your hatsHAN + con + 2 + Y + oar + hats
87)  Make a beelinemay + K + A + bee + line
93)  Keep your eye on the ballkey + P + Y + oar + I + on + THE + ball
97)  United we standU + knight + ED + W + east + and
116) Keep it under your hatkey + P + IT + under + Y + oar + hat
129) The early bird catches the worm THE + early + bird + cat + cheese + S + THE + worm
141) No time like the presentNO + time + light + K + THE + present
143) Roll out the barrelroll + out + THE + barrel
145) Listen to your eldersLIS + sun + two + Y + oar + L + door + S
151) Keep your chin upkey + P + Y + oar + CH + inn + up
154) Sock it to himsock + IT + two + M
160) Can you top thatcan + U + top + T + hat
175) Back to natureback + ton + eight + ER
185) You can’t take it with youU + can + T + TAKE + IT + witch + shoe
186) Cheer for the home teamchair + four + THE + HOE + M + tee + M
188) Make a new beginningmay + canoe + bag + inn + ink
190) Be a good sportbee + a + GOO + d + S + paw + T
192) No one knows for sureNO + one + nose + four + shoe + R
200) I’ve had it up to herehive + hat + IT + UP + two + H + ear
204) Isn’t life grandE + cent + lye + F + GR + and
206)A Brilliant IdeaApril + Yent Eye +Deer
218) A sure sign of successA + shoe + R + sign + OF + socks + S
222) Disappearing without a traceD + soap + pear + ring + WITHOUT + A + tray + Z
229) Prevent forest firesPRE + fan + T + four + wrist + fire + S
232) Think before you speakTH + ink + bee + four + U + S + beak
239) There’s no time like the presentTH + ears + note + dime + lye + THE + Pres + cent
258) Back to the drawing boardback + tooth + E + drawer + ING + board
264) Count to tencow + NT + TOOT + N
273) You’re more than welcomeY + oar + M + oar + TH + hen + well + comb
291) You’re on the right trackY + oar + ON + THE + rye + T + track
296) I’ve got high hopeshive + cot + H + eye + hoe + PS
303) Keep your fingers crossedkey + P + Y + oar + fingers + cross + ED
330) Ride ’em cowboyrye + D + M + cow + buoy
333) Don’t play with matchesDON’T + P + lei + WITH + match + chess
338) Nutty as a fruitcakenut + E + AS + A + fruit + cake
342) Not for all the tea in Chinaknot + for + ALL + THE + T + IN + china
345) Going placesGO + wing + P + laces
366) There’s no place like homeTH + ears + NO + PL + ace + LYE + comb
372) We’ll have to wait and seewheel + half + two + W + eight + AND + see
383) Money isn’t everythingmoney + E + cent + F + wreath + ING
387) Don’t be a ‘fraidy cattoe + NT + bee + A + FR + eighty + cat
409) There’s no time to spareTH + AIR + S + note + dime + two + S + pear
412) May the force be with youMAY + THE + fours + bee + witch + shoe
413) Start off on the right footS + dart + off + on + THE + RYE + T + foot
Unconfirmed (I haven’t personally seen yet): 
1)When it’s spring time in the Rockies  W + hen + IT’S + spring + clock  + IN + THE + mountain
2)Hot dog they wonsun + dog + T + hay + 1
3)   Lucky days are here againclover + sun + R + H + ear + AGAIN
4)   I left my heart in San Francisco  eye + left + MY + heart + IN + San Francisco
5)   Moon over Miamimoon + line + Florida (map)
6)   Here’s suds in your eyesH + ear + S + suds + IN + Y + four + eye + S
7)   I will take a doubleeye + will + TAKE + A +dbl ice cream cone
8)   How about a date babyIndian + ABOUT + A + date tree + baby
9)   Who buys this roundOwl + B + eye + S + THIS + circle
10)  As time goes byclock + truck bed
11)  Time on my (your) hands clock + bridge + hands (holding everything)
12)  You are a barrel of laughsU + R + A + barrel + UV + laughs
13)  Tea for Twoteapot + 4 + II
14)  It’s lucky when you live in U.S.A.IT’S + clover + W + hen + U + LIVE + N + us (map)
15)  Don’t call us we’ll call youdoughnut + CALL + US, + wheel + CALL +  U
16)  May I have this danceMAY + eye + ½ + THIS + D + ants
17)  Sweet Leilani  (a song)sugar bowl + lei + LA + knee
18)  I’ll see you in my dreamseye’ + LL + eye + U + IN + MY + ZZZZZZ
19)  To each his ownII + E + CH + HIS + BONE – B
20)  East of the sun & west of the moonE + arrow + UV + THE + sun + AND + arrow + W + UV + THE +  moon
21)  Take me out to the ballgameT + tooth ach + ME + exit + 2 + THE + ball + game
22)  Fastest draw in the westlightning bolt + straw (in mug) + N + THE + arrow + W
23)  Lucky breakclover + stick break
24)  Down the hatchdown + THE + hatch
27)  Scuttle ButtS + cut + L + butt
28)  Pass the buckquarterback + THE + buck
29)  Time to hit the bed (hay)Clock + II + hammer + THE + bed
31)  A sleep at the switchA + sleep + cat – C + THE + S + witch
33)  Here comes de judgeH + ear + comb + D + gavel
34)  Fly by nightairplane + hand + moon
35)  Grin and bear itgrin + AND + beer + IT
37)  Saving for a rainy daylifebuoy + 4 + A + rain + Sun
38)  Up a lazy riverup + A + hen’s nest + Z + river
39)  A stitch in time saves nineA + Needle + N + clock + buoy + 9
40)  Hey Joe check the head on that one hay bail+ hot cup + check mark + THE + head + ON +THAT + 1
41)  Home on the rangehoe + MMM + ON + stove
42)  Its lucky when you live out westITS + finger crossed + key + W + hen + U + LIVE + outhouse + T +  west
43)  Custer’s last standIce cream cone + S + LAST + ST + hand
44)  How the west was wonH + owl + THE + west + WAS + 1 + ON
45)  Its lucky when you live out west  ITS + Clover + W + hen + owl + LIVE + outhouse + W + vest   
46)  Organize a paper driveorgan + eye + S + ape + ape +ER + drive
47)  Be nice to your neighborbee + N + eye’ + S + 2 + Y + ore + NA + bore
48)  Pickup litterpickup + litter (stretcher)
49)  Two birds in the bush2 + bird’ + S + IN + THE + bush
50)  Love your countryheart + Y + ore + u.s.a.
51?) It doesn’t ring a bellIT + DUH + cent + ring + A + bell
53)  Environmententer + V + eye + iron + mint (leaf)
54)  Waste not, want notwaste + knot + W + ant + knot
56)  On my word of honoron + M + eye + were + dove + on + oar
58)  You’re heading for troubleY + oar + head + ING + four + TRUH + bull
60)  You bet your bippyU + bed + Y + oar + BIP + bee
62)  The powers that beTHE + P + OW + horse + TH + hat + bee
63)  Clear as crystalCL + ear + AS + K + wrist + L
64)  Can you imagine thatcan + U + E + mat + gin + TH + hat
66)  Bob Clayton (See Section Below)   BAA + B + K + lei + ton
67)  I feel good all overeye + F + eel + GOOD + awl + O + four
68)  You better look twiceU + bed + oar + LOOK + TW + ice
69)  Richard NixonRIT + shirt + NIC + sun
70)  Good old Charlie Browngoo + toe + LD + CH + holly + E + BR + OW +N
71)  Headline newshead + lion + noose
74)  Creating a rumpusCRE + eight + ink + A + rum + bus
75)  Lawrence WelkL + oar + hens + well + K
76)  Wouldn’t you like to knowwood+tent+U+lye+K=ton=hoe
77)  Neil ArmstrongN + eel + arm + straw + NG
78)  Feature attractionfeet + CHER + eight + track + shin
79)  Play it coolP + lei + IT + COO + oil
83)  How sweet it ishouse + wheat + IT + IS
84)  I’ve got to hand it to youhive + cot + two + hand + IT + two + U
85)  Sharp as a tackSH + harp + as + eight + AK
8?)  How dry I amHOW + D + RYE + eye + ham
91)  Narrowing the gapN + arrow + wing + TH + UGH + cap
92) Daylight saving timeD + ale + light + safe + ING + time + M
94)  Russian dressingRUSH + hen + dress + sink
95)  Once over lightlyone + Z + O + four + light + LEE
98)  You should have duckedU + shoe + D + half + duck + D
99)  Squealing with delightSK + wheel + ING + WITH + D + light
100) Straight down the middleS + tray + T + DOWN + THE + mitt + L
103) A bird in the handA + bird + inn + THE + hand
104) Maxwell SmartM + axe + well + S + MART
105) Appalachian Mountainsapple + eight + gin + MOUN + tens
106) Not playing fairknot + P + lei + ING + fair
107) King Arthur’s Courtking + RTH + horse + cort + T
108) Don’t mention itdough + NT + men + chin + net
109) Look who’s talkingLOO + goose + TAW + king
110) The pursuit of happinessTHE + purse + suit + OF + HAP + pin + S
111) T formationtea + four + may + shin
112) Wait ’till next yearweight + TILL + N + eggs + Y + ear
113) Journey to the moonJ + urn + E + two + THE + MOO + N
129) The early bird catches the worm  THE + sun coming up + bird + cat + cheese + S + THE + worm
133) I’m bone dryeye+m+bone+d+rye
201) The boy who cried wolfthe+bouey+who(owl) k+rye+d+wool+f
228) Watch the birdiewatch+the +bird+E
234) So the story goessoda+store front+e+go sign+Z
255) I’m not the least bit interested  +bed+inn+dress+did
289) Easy on the eyesE+Z+on+the+eyes
310) Peek A Boo I see youP + cup + boo + eye + C + U
319) I whistle a happy tuneeye+whistle+A+hap+bee+2+n
324) Chain lightningchain_light bulb+ning
339) Sir Francis DrakeSir+France(map) +is+D+rake
347) Relief pictureRE+leaf+picture(jug)
348) 1st in the hearts of his countrymen 1st(ribbon)+in+the+hearts+of+his+cun+tree+men
353) Double headerDuh+bull+head+R
358) Chinese CheckersCh+eye+knee+s+check+ers
374) The Empire strikes backthe+m+pie+R+strike(bowling) s+back
382) Mork and MindyM+oar+can+mint leaf+D
398) Going a mile a minuteGo light+wing+A+M+eye+L+A+mih+net

Thank you for looking, but we do have a full list of codes on this page.


    Sandi Berman

    The name of the beer is Ranier, like the mountain. “Your” should be you’re in 273 and 291. I was looking for 241. Maybe another time. Thanks for this.


    #206 April + Yent Eye +Deer = A Brilliant Idea

    Brooke Robertson

    #269 For Sale+On+The Da+Did+Lion= Sign On The Dotted Line

    Robert Benton Holsonback

    In the mid to late 70′ there was one my friend could never get..
    started with the letter C, there was a fishing net, the number 2, a bee hive, then a knee and the number 4 and I forget the rest.
    Been driving us nuts for 50 years

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