Annuals are easy to grow, but we need a little help finding a great plan to follow. Enclosed is a design supporting 27 annual flowers.
1. Cosmos Primrose
2. zinnia Calif. Giant. Lemon Queen
3. Scabiosa tall double Cherry Red
4. Snapdragon Sentinel Commander
5. Marigold Golden Fluffy
6. Gloriosa Daisy
7. Celosia Flaming Fire
8. Celosia Golden Fleece
9. Marigold Nearest-to-White
10. Larkspur Steeplechase Red
11. Snapdragon Tetra Crimson
12. Zinnia Peach Blossom
13. Dimorphotheca White
14. Sweet-alyssum Pink Heather
15. Fringed Phlox Twinkle
16. Zinnia Liliput Black Ruby
17. Petunia Moonstone
18. Calendula Apricot Beauty
19. Sweet-alyssum Violet Queen
20. Petunia Yellow Gleam
21. Marigold Lemon Ball
22. Dwarf Dahlia White
23. Zinnia Tangerine
24. Sweet-alyssum Carpet of Snow
25. Petunia Flaming Velvet
26. Dianthus Snowball
27. Petunia Red Satin.

Annual Garden design using 27 plants