Adonis – Birdseye, Pheasant’s Eye
It is difficult to find a bright flowered plant which blooms as early as does the Adonis. The flowers are a bright and deep yellow, resembling large Buttercups with finely cut, rather ornamental foliage. Adonis amurensis is the first sort to bloom followed by A. vernalis and A. pyrenaica. The first sort blooms in April, and the last in May or June. All the sorts grow about 1 foot tall. Some of the annual sorts are Autumn blooming.
Adonis is especially good to use in rock gardens or in the border.
Any good light soil will do and they will grow either in sun or shade, but partial shade is preferred.
The best way is by division of the roots. This should be done in August. It is a rather slow method by seed as it takes from three to four years, after transplanting, for this flower to show its true beauty. One may readily see that this plant does not enjoy being moved.