Aster – Michaelmas Daisy, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Aster - Michaelmas Daisy, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Aster – Michaelmas Daisy

The American who reads English books about gardens is thrilled by the love of the British for Michaelmas Daisies. He immediately hunts his own roadsides and delves into catalogs to acquire some of these lovely flowers. For the wild Asters are truly lovely and are an asset to any garden, many of which bloom at a season when the

other flowers are failing and the roadsides are parched after our usual Summer droughts. It is a reflection upon our appreciation of our own native flora to read that there are many selected varieties of Asters, most. of which have been produced abroad. In the following table will be found an ample assortment of the commoner Michaelmas Daisies, all of which may be grown:

ACRIS NANUS. 1-1 1/2 feet. Lavender-blue. Aug.-Sept. Good dwarf.

ACUMINATUS (Sharp-leaved A.) 1-3 feet. White. Aug.-Sept. Moist locations.

ADVANCE. 4 feet. Lavender. Sept. Free flowering.

ALPINUS. 3/4 foot. Purplish-blue and white. May-June. Rockery or front of border; very early.

AMELLUS. 2 feet. Rich violet. Aug.-Sept.

AMETHYSTINUs. 4-5 feet. Amethyst-blue. Oct. Mass of small flowers.

BEAUTY OF COLWALL. 3-4 feet. Ageratum-blue. Sept. One of best ‘ doubles.

CLIMAX. 5 feet. Lavender-blue. Sept.-Oct. A superb form of A. .novi-belgii.

CORDIFOLIUS (Heart-leaved A.) 1-4 feet. Light lilac. Sept. A common wild sort.

ERICOIDES (Heath A.) 2 feet. White. Sept. Small leaves; common, wild.

FELTIIAM BLUE. 2 1/2 feet. Blue. Aug.-Sept. One of best.

GLEN EYRIE. 3 1/2-4 feet. Bright pink. Sept.-Oct. A pink form of A. nova-angliae.

GRANDIFLORUS. 2-2 1/2 feet. Bluish-violet. Oct.-Nov. Late; a large flower.

LAEVIS (Smooth-leaved A.) 4 feet. Lilac lavender. Oct. Neat habit, graceful.

LIL FARDEL. 4-5 feet. Mauve. Sept. Showy, form of novae-anglim.

MACROPHYLLUS (Large-leaved A.) 4, feet. Lavender-violet. Sept. Dry, shady places.

MULTIFLORUS (Many-flowered A.) 2 feet. White, small. Oct.-Nov. Late.

NOVAE-ANGLLE. (New England A.) 3-5 feet. Purple. Sept.-Oct. Common, showy wild sort.

NGVI-RELGII (N. Y. Aster). 1-3 feet. Blue. Sept.-Oct. Climax and St. Egwyn are forms of this.

PARRY’S FAVORITE. 3 feet. Reddish violet. Aug.-Sept. Form of A. Amellus.

PTARMICOIDES. 1/2 foot. White. Aug. Stiff stems for cut flower.

ST. EGWYN. 2 1/2-3 feet. Pink. Sept.-Oct. One of best.

TATARICUS. 5-6 feet. Violet-blue. Oct. Late sort; one of tallest.

WHITE QUEEN. 4 feet. White. Sept.-Oct. Not as good as some.

UTILIZE. To see the various sorts of Asters is to suggest a hundred uses for them: tall sorts as backgrounds for lower perennials; tall sorts in front of evergreens; tall sorts for woodlands and roadsides; tall sorts for screening fences, ditches; shorter species for bringing a spot of color into the Fall perennial border; all species for cutting and useful for large vases in the home, church or social gathering.

GENERAL No culture is necessary. Plant them and if given extra food and water they repay us; if not they bloom beautifully to shame us for our neglect. Of course, in the garden where neatness is necessary, we do stake the tall sorts. They seem to grow well either in full sun or partial shade.

PROPAGATION. Cut up the clumps as often as you think of it. They multiply rapidly and one always has a few plants to give to a friend.

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