Clematis, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Clematis, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Clematis – Shrubby Virgin’s Bower

We shall speak here not of the climbing Clematis, but of the lower growing sorts useful for massing, all of which form dense bushes 2 feet or 3 feet tall. Clematis Davidiana blooms nearly all Summer, has Hyacinth-like, bell-shaped, pale blue or lavender blue flowers in small clusters, which are very fragrant. C. heracleaefolia is very similar but with paler flowers. C. recta has creamy-white, fragrant flowers, opening in June and July. All of the flower clusters are showy and are followed by fluffy silken seed beads. The leaves stay a bright dark green all Summer.

UsEs. Many of the species are desirable for cutting. In the garden they should be planted in masses or used as specimen plants. C. recta is especially valued for large masses of white flowers.

GENERAL. These plants are adapted to partial shade. They prefer a loam soil and seem to like lime.

PROPAGATION. They are propagated by division of the plants or by cuttings.

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