Clematis, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Clematis – Shrubby Virgin’s Bower We shall speak here not of the climbing Clematis, but of the lower growing sorts useful for massing, all of which form dense bushes 2 feet or 3 feet tall. Clematis Davidiana blooms nearly all Summer, has Hyacinth-like, bell-shaped, pale blue or lavender blue flowers in small clusters, which are very fragrant. C. heracleaefolia is […]

Planting Clematis

Every gardener is familiar with the extraordinary effectiveness of vines in a proper setting, but most of us become discouraged after bad luck. The daintier vines have a habit of developing some unknown illness and dying back unexpectedly, while those which thrive usually do too good a job of it. Many a porch has collapsed under the weight of a […]

Selecting the correct Climbing Plants

House walls, garden walls, fences, archways, pergolas, trellises, poles, either single or erected tripod fashion and other vertical or near-vertical features, provide the gardener with another dimension in which to grow plants. There are attractive plants available for this purpose, many of which benefit from the extra shelter provided by a wall or fence. Types of plant Suitable plants include […]

Glorious vines to delight the gardener

All gardens look wonderful with various perennials and low growing shrubs, but consideration must also be given for plants that provide height. When plants are grown at all the same height it looks like something is missing, yet when a vine, flowering or not, is placed into the garden, that feeling disappears. Vines can be grown along a fence placed […]