The form of the Daisy is admired by all, so that it is strange that more persons do not grow the lovely Daisies known as Pyrethrums. The flowers are bright in color and are borne on long stems. They might be called Spring Chrysanthemums, for they bloom principally in June. Many of the sorts are attractively doubled. The colors range from deep rich crimson to light pink and white. They grow 2 feet to 3 feet tall. The proper botanical name is Chrysanthemum coccineam; the catalogs also call them Pyrethrum roseum and hybridum.
How to use Pink Daisy
The citizens of England are fond of these flowers that they have many named varieties.
Of Pyrethrums The Ladies’ Field writes:
“Amongst the most satisfactory of all the flowers in the garden we may count double Pyrethrums. They are of almost infinite variety, which time seems powerless to wither, and which custom never stales. Nearly every year sees some new development, the result of skillful raising and discriminating selection. They have many good qualities to recommend them. These flowers are extremely showy, and are as hardy as they are effective. They are of the easiest possible culture, and as cut flowers they are invaluable, lasting for full two weeks in full and fresh beauty. This, when one is away from one’s own garden and has to barter for flowers for the good contentment of the moment, is a great desideratum. In the borders they last for several months. Pyrethrums are in their height of beauty in June, but by means of judicious thinning and stopping, and by the entire prevention of the formation of anything like seed, they may be kept blossoming all through the Summer. If this be too much trouble, and a continued succession is not wanted, the plants may be cut right down after their Midsummer blossoming, when they will spring up again with rejuvenated vigor, and blossom gaily again in the Autumn as vigorously as if it were their first effort for the year.”
Where to plant Pyrethrums
The Pyrethrums grow nicely, even in partial shade, but they must have perfect drainage. An important point in their culture is alluded to above; they should be prevented from seeding and if cut down directly after they have produced their main crop of bloom; they will bloom profusely late in Summer.
PROPAGATION. Sow the seeds or divide the plants in Spring.
Alfred Carl Hottes