You may not be going through a water drought in your particular area but being aware of how much water we are using is always a good eco-friendly habit. An easy and actually vital place to start is your garden. There are many ways to save water within a place that, in fact, needs water quite regularly. has prepared some awesome water saving tips for us and all you need to do is do some gardening.
Super Succulents
Succulents are super water wise as they do not need as much water as other plants. Find out what succulents are native in your area and plant those everywhere. They can be in pots or directly in the ground. Succulents are those with fleshy leaves, but look out for those with the pointier, sharper leaves too, much like a Rosemary style bush.
Storing Water Safely
Invest in a small tank, which you can pop into a corner of your garden. Here you can collect all the rainwater that falls and use to water your plants. A simple connection of a hosepipe, a few sucks and you have flowing water. Or, simply have a few well-placed buckets around your garden, ready to collect the rainwater and which can be easily disbursed onto the grass and into pot plants.
Another water saving tip is to collect your shower water in buckets as well as that from your fish tanks and overflow from your pool.
Water Timers are Key
Water timers are brilliant. All you need to do in order to add another water-saving element to your garden is place the piping strategically around the garden, hook up the water timers and sit back.
Take it a step further and connect a fine sprayer to the piping so that it gives all your garden a gentle and softer spray. This, in itself, is a great water saving tip.
Water sprinklers
Water in cooler weather
The best time to water your garden is when the weather is cooler, which is best in the early mornings and later evenings. When the sun is beating down, the water is easily evaporated, and the plants don’t get too much of it.
And, it can be quite therapeutic to stand and water your plants, so see it as a way to reboot after a long day at the office or a nice kick-starter to your day.
Water in cooler weather
Manic Mulching
Mulch is made up of soil, leaves and fine bark. Layer this over your beds and you will find that less water is needed. During the day, up to 75% of water is evaporated, but with a good mulch layer, you will have a protective covering keeping the moisture in.
Keep your mulch to a thickset layer, water and watch how your plants will flourish.
Stop that drip!
A surefire way of saving water through your garden is to make sure that all taps and outlets are not dripping. Leaking water is the biggest water-wasting culprit and if you are not sure if you have a leak, take a water meter reading, wait 4 hours without using water, take it again, and see if it has risen drastically.
There are many other ways to save water through your garden, but we feel that if you just focus on these few water saving tips, you will be right on your way to a water-wise lifestyle.