How to grow Callirrhoe (kal-ir-ho-ee)
Named after Callirhoe, one of the Greek goddesses (Malvaceae). Poppy mallow. This North American genus has both annual and perennial species. The flowers are saucer shaped and of red hues, which are brilliant in sunshine. They need an open, sunny position.
Species cultivated C. involucrata, the Buffalo rose, 9 inches, flowers crimson, 2 inches across.
Cultivation C. involucrata likes a dry sunny spot, the hotter the better, but requires plenty of space to spread. Plant in November. Propagation is by seed sown out of doors in a nursery bed in April, the young
plants transplanted later to their permanent position, or by cuttings of young growths taken in spring, and put in sandy compost under a handlight or in a cold frame.