Hemerocallis (day lilly)- Perennial Plant, How to grow
How to grow Hemerocallis Day lilly
Hemerocallis (hem-er-o-kal-lis)
From the Greek hemero, a day, and kallos, beauty, referring to the life of the flowers(Liliaceae). Day lily. Hardy perennials from temperate E. Asia and S. Europe, very adaptable, flowering for many weeks, but with the individual funnel-shaped flowers lasting only for one day. There have been a bewildering number of cultivars both from America and from England and continental Europe with the result that the species have been somewhat neglected.
Species cultivated H. aurantiaca, Japanese day lily, 3 feet, orange-yellow flowers. July. H. citrina. 3 feet. lemon-yellow. slightly fragrant flowers, July to September; var. baronii, larger flowers, citron-yellow. H. flaua, 2-3 feet, orange-yellow flowers, June and July. H. fulva, 3 feet, vigorous, orange-brown, June to August ; vars. fore pleno, double, kwanso fore pleno, double flowers and variegated striped foliage. H. x luteola, 3 feet, large, light yellow, June and July, hybrid. H. middendorffi, 1-14 feet, rich yellow, fragrant, June. H. minor, 9 inches, clear yellow, reddish-brown on outside, June. H. thunbergii, 2-3 feet, light yellow, fragrant, July to September. There are many cultivars such as ‘Ambassador, currant red, rich yellow centre ; `Apollo’ bright apricot-yellow ; ‘Bagette., dark brown ; ‘Ballet Dancer , soft pink ; ‘Black Prince, purple-red ; ‘Bonanza, soft golden-yellow, dwarf; ‘Display, bright red ; ‘Golden Chimes , golden-yellow, a miniature with well-branched growth ; ‘Hyperion, canary yellow ; ‘Morocco Beauty, very dark purple with golden throat; ‘Norma Borland, copper; ‘Pink Prelude, flesh pink, yellow throat ; ‘Rajah , late flowering, orange, shaded mahogany and violet; ‘Red Torch , cardinal red; ‘Viscountess Byng , orange flushed rose, long flowering season. New ones appear each year; nurserymen s cataloges should be consulted for the latest varieties.
Cultivation Day lilies are most accommodating as to soil and position, provided they are not planted in full shade. They do not, however, give of their best in poor, chalky soils. Plant in autumn or spring, incorporating some compost or old manure. The plants will survive for many years unattended except for an occasional early summer mulch and a regular dressing of slug repellent.