Commemorating Alexander Macleay, 1767-1848, Secretary of the Linnean Society (Papaveraceae). This genus, sometimes listed under the synonym Bocconia, consists of two Chinese species of perennial herbaceous plants very valuable in the garden. Their most outstanding virtue is their great height (8 feet or more) which lifts their large airy heads of tiny petal-less flowers and unusual rounded and lobed leaves […]
Incarvillea – Perennial Plant, How to grow
Commemorating Pierre d’Incarville (1706-57), a French Jesuit missionary to China (Bignoniaceae). A genus of about 6 species of herbaceous perennials, first introduced in the mid-nineteenth century, hardy or nearly hardy in suitable conditions. Species cultivated I. delavayi, 2 feet, rose-pink trumpet shaped flowers in May and June. I. grandiflora, 14 feet, large, deep rose-red flowers with orange tube, and throat […]
Planning the garden
Whether you specialize in any particular plant or not, the general design and layout of your garden must be pleasing and practical. There are some hard and fast rules to bear in mind, but in the main gardening is a subject upon which it is very hard to dogmatize, and the thing to remember is that the success or otherwise […]
Malva – Perennial Plant, How to grow
From the Greek malakos, soft or soothing, probably in reference to an emollient yielded by the seeds (Malvaceae). A genus of hardy herbaceous perennial and annual plants. M. moschata, the musk mallow, is one of the most decorative of wild flowers, quite suitable for the herbaceous border. It is even more lovely in its white variety. All parts of the […]
Garden Problems Saving seeds, Compost, Tree stumps
Garden Problems Saving seeds, Compost, Tree stumps Saving Seeds Q. If I do not use all my vegetable and flower seeds one season can I sow them the following season? A. In principle the answer is yes, but there will be a lessening of the percentage of germination. I would not hesitate to sow any flower seeds left from a […]
How to grow parsley plant from parsley seed
Parsley Cultivation The point to remember about parsley is that it is certain to be needed by the cook at all times of the year. To allow for this, frequent (at least three) sowings should be made between March and September. Large beds of parsley will not be required by the average family and so the plants may be used […]
Pulsatilla – Perennial Plant, How to grow
The name was first used by Pierandrea Mattioli, a sixteenth-century Italian botanist, and physician, and possibly means ‘shaking in the wind’ (Ranunculaceae). This genus of 30 species, distinguished from Anemone only by minor botanical differences, includes some of the most beautiful of low-growing flowering plants, and one in particular, P. vernalis, which is so lovely that it must have converted […]
Trees in the garden
Trees are the most long-lived growing features in any garden. Once they are well established, it is very difficult to move them; pruning them if they become too big is difficult, needing skilled workmanship, and is never a permanent solution to the problems of excessive roots and over-extensive shading that arise. Since Victorian times the gardener’s problems in tree-planting have […]
How to grow Alternanthera
Alluding to the fact that alternate anthers are usually infertile (Amaranthaceae). Joy weed. Used in the main for foliage effect, these half-hardy shrubby perennials have brightly colored foliage. The flowers are insignificant and are not usually allowed to develop. Species cultivated A. amoena, 3 inches, leaves, green veined with orange-red blotches; vars. amabilis (leaves orange-scarlet), rosea and spectabilis. A. bettickiana, […]
Hillside Gardening – Plants for a bank or the hill side.
Hillside Gardening Plants for a bank or the hill side. The simplest way to plant a bank is to make a grassy slope of it. This isn’t the best way in which a bank can be treated, since it lacks interest and will be more difficult to mow than a level lawn. If the bank is fairly extensive an excellent […]