Chicory Sow seeds of Witloof chicory in May or June. The soil must be fertile. Any manure or garden compost added prior to sowing must be very well rotted. Sow thinly in drills 1cm (1/2 in) deep, spaced 30cm (1 ft) apart. Keep down annual weeds by hoeing. When the plants are about 5cm (2in) high, thin to 23cm (9in) […]
Pulmonaria – Perennial Plant, How to grow
How to Grow Pulmonaria Pulmonaria (pul-mon-air-ee-a) From the Latin pulmo, lung; derivation uncertain; either because the spotted leaves bore a resemblance to diseased lungs, or because one species was regarded as providing a remedy for diseased lungs (Boraginaceae). Lungwort. This is a genus of 10 species of hardy herbaceous perennials, natives of Europe. P. angustifolia, a rare native, is an […]
Garden Hedges, Screens – Plant Types and Growing
Hedges, screens and shelterbelts Screens and shelterbelts are usually essential in coastal areas; also to farmers and fruit growers. In gardens, private and public, hedges can do much to prevent the intrusion of animals and human beings and to act as windbreaks. Before planting it must be decided what purpose is to be served. If the hedge is simply to […]
Spleenwort fern Growing and planting Asplenium
ASPLENIUM—Spleenwort (Asple’nium). Ferns which are great favorites for cultivation out of doors and under glass. The cultivated hardy kinds are natives of North America, the others grow wild in tropical Africa, India and other countries. They belong to the Polypody family, Polypodiaceae. Asplenium is derived from a, not, and splen, spleen, and refers to the medicinal properties these Ferns were […]
Growing Calceolaria (Calceloa’ria) – Plant information
CALCEOLARIA (Calceola’ria). Mostly tender perennials of herbaceous or shrubby growth, principally natives of Chile and Peru, and belonging to the Snapdragon family, Scrophulariaceae. Calceolarias vary in height from 6 in. to 3 ft. The flowers are slipper-like and are mostly yellow in color, with the exception of those of the herbaceous Calceolarias, which display a wide range of colors. The […]
Phlox – Perennial Plant, How to grow
How to Grow Phlox From the Greek phlego, to burn, or phlox, a flame, referring to the bright colours of the flowers (Polemoniaceae). A genus of nearly 70 species of hardy, half-hardy, annual and perennial herbaceous plants all, with one exception, natives of North America and Mexico. Almost all the most important species are from the eastern United States, though […]
How to grow savoy cabbage
Savoy This hardy plant, a type of cabbage, has been grown in Britain since the seventeenth century. The leaves are quite distinct from those of other cabbages, being very puckered or crimped. Although there are early varieties, most gardeners prefer those which are of use during the winter and early spring. Successional crops are obtained by choosing drumheads for cutting […]
Banana Growing and Planting Guide
A native of the East Indies and other tropical countries, the Banana can be grown and fruited successfully in a roomy, well-heated greenhouse; it is usually seen in botanical garden collections of economic plants. In the far South, some kinds are grown outdoors. In habit and general appearance, it differs from the majority of plants. The long fleshy leafstalks, which […]
Gardening for Beginners
Articles and gardening guides to assist you in planning and learning what to do in your garden. Growing Hardy Annuals Garden Ants Aphids Outdoor Garden Archways Aromatic Plants Autumn Fall Garden color How to grow a annual flower from seed. How to Plant Annuals flowers Where to plant Annuals and Biennials flowers Containers Edging and Paving Cut Flowers Annuals Biennials Annuals […]
Do you have the Correct Bedding Plants in your Garden?
The description bedding plant is not an exact one and only means that the plant is grown elsewhere in some quantity and then planted out as a temporary occupant of the bed; this being known as `bedding out’. The bedding plant in private gardens has, in general, had its day, since this style of gardening entails much expense. In public […]