How to plant Tulips

September is the time to plant spring blooming bulbs. Tulips, Daffodils or Narcissus, Grape Hyacinths, Squill and Crocuses are the ones that grow well in Central Alberta. These bulbs need to be planted early in the fall, to give them enough time to develop a good root system, before the ground freezes solid. Careful consideration must be given to the […]

How to plant a garden bulb – Tulips, Daffodils, Lily, etc

Although bulbs, corms and tubers carry their own food supply it is only good for one year at most and if you wish to have flowers year after year it is essential that they should be well fed. This is especially true of the highly-bred hyacinths, tulips and crocuses and some of the smaller irises. Always prepare the whole of […]

Basket of Easter Flowers

The flower that most often comes to mind, when we think of Easter, is the Easter lily. But there are others as well, all with rather interesting origins. Did you know that the Easter lily’s true name is Bermuda lily? It is a pure white flower, believed to symbolize purity. Coming from one bulb, the flower is said to represent […]

Splitting Perennials

A perennial plant dies back to the ground every fall and grows from existing roots each spring. The longevity of each perennial differs with some being as short as 3 years while others last over 100 years. Transplanting or dividing these plants should be done in the early spring or fall. At this time the year, the temperature is cool […]

Planting flower bulbs

Ornamental bulb plants, commonly known as flower bulbs, are charming plants that are admired by gardeners. They owe their popularity to their vivid colours and the magnificent scents they excrete. Parallel leaf venation and limited branching of the overground shoots are characteristic for this group of plants. The majority of bulbous flowering plants bloom in the summer, although there are […]

Flower Problems Questions with Answers

Problems with Flowers Roses Bulbs and corms Dahlias Heathers Shrubs and conifers Bedding plants Herbaceous borders Sweet peas Hanging baskets Tubs and similar containers (a) ROSES Q. Some of my yellow varieties of bush Hybrid Tea roses die in winter. Why is this and can anything be done about it? A. Some yellow varieties like Lydia are not as winter […]

Flower Bulbs Learn, Plant and where to grow

Flowering Bulbs A bulb is a specialized form of underground bud containing, in an undeveloped condition, the rudiments of all parts of the complete flowering plant which will develop from it. These include the flower bud and foliage leaves, which are mounted on a thick flat stem bearing the beginnings of the roots on its lower surface. In addition, the […]

When to shop for Bulbs, Corms and Tubers in the Garden Stores

The main outdoors planting season for bulbs, corms and tubers are in the fall with bulbs on sale from mid-August to late November. Lilies have a very long growing season and, if they have had to be transported over great distances, may not arrive in time for the fall selling season. Buy them as soon as they arrive and plant […]

How to Select Bulbs, Corms and Tubers in a Garden Store

Is the shop temperature suitable ? If it freezes at night half-hardy bulbs may be damaged and go soft on the outside. If it is too hot, the bulbs will wither or start to grow shoots prematurely without root growth, and some fungal and bacterial diseases will attack bruised tissues. Tubers liable to wither, such as dahlias, should be prepacked […]

Garden Designs for Bulbs

Bulb Color Choosing color schemes for bulbs is not different from choosing color schemes for your house or your clothing. The same rules apply. In fact, the garden can be seen as an extension of your interior. There are cool and warm colors. All hues have a different impact. The Dutch Masters knew that warm colors tend to “move” towards […]