Fall Vegetable Gardening How do I get my garden ready for Fall planting? Before you can plant anything new, you should do a simple soil test to make sure the Ph is still up at above 6.0 If not, add […]
Convallaria – Lily of the Valley, May Bells, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Convallaria – Lily of the Valley, May Bells The poet has given the name to the Lily of the Valley, and the botanist, not as prosaic as usual, has translated the name to the Latin word Convallaria. “No flower amid […]
Grasses, Ornamental, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Grasses, Ornamental Arrhenatherum bulbosum variegatum A dwarf, decorative grass of tufted habit growing only 8 inches high. The green and white leaves retain their clear color throughout ‘ the season. It is used where a white edging or border is […]
Autumn Fall Garden Color
By the autumn many of the summer-flowering plants are all but over and, although there are many plants which will provide a display of flowers in September and October, and even into early November, much can be done to make […]
Alyssum – Madwort, Basket of Gold, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Alyssum – Madwort, Basket of Gold, Gold Dust, Goldentuft, Rockmadwort The various Alyssums have been known for a long time as one of the best, if not the best, edging plant for borders of all kinds. They have been combined […]
Scabiosa – Pincushion Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
To those persons who are familiar with the annual sorts of Scabiosa, we need only say that the perennials resemble the annuals, except that the perennials have shorter florets at the center, while in the annual sorts the flowers are […]
Asphodel – King’s Spear, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Asphodel – King’s Spear The classic Asphodel is rarely seen in gardens although its interesting, tall and stately spikes of yellow and white flowers are of interest to garden lovers. The Asphodels are variously cataloged as Asphodeline and Asphodelus; the […]
Hesperis – Dames rocket, Damask-violet, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Sweet Rocket is one of our most fragrant flowers which grows almost wild, as it has escaped from the gardens. Hesperis matronalis has white, flesh, or lavender-colored flowers which grow in large clusters. The plants are about 3 feet high […]
Polemonium – Jacob’s Ladder, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Polemonium – Jacob’s Ladder, Charity, Greek Valerian Jacob’s Ladder is a very ornamental and graceful flowering plant of early Spring and Summer. The flowers are blue, or white, flat or bellshaped, and are borne in spikes; the foliage is very […]
Growing Hostas, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Hosta – Plantain Lily Two sorts of flowers have been called Day Lilies-Funkia (or Hosta, as it is sometimes called) and Hemerocallis. Both are old favorites in the garden. The flowers of the latter group are orange and yellow Most […]