The Blackberries of North America and Europe are a mighty clan of innumerable species and hybrids that have taxed the efforts of botanists to classify them. The many species in North America have furnished varieties suitable for cultivation in most […]
Garden Fruit & Fruit Trees
Fruit If you have space in the garden, people like to grow fruit and vegetables due to better flavored, fresher and less expensive than stores. If the are to be grown at all it is worth growing them really well. […]
Growing Blackberries – Rubus
Blackberries Blackberries are vigorous and exceptionally spiny, hardy perennial cane fruits belonging to the genus Rubus .The species and hybrids listed below are grown for dessert, bottling, tarts, jam and wine. Blackberries prefer deep, moist and rich loam but are […]
Things to Grow in the Garden for Canning
Everyone knows how delicious is the taste of carefully home-canned produce from the family Vegetable Garden, but as a rule she cannot forget even for a moment the labor which Canning costs the women of the household. I myself have […]