Growing Guide for Helianthemum

How to grow Helianthemum From the Greek helios, the sun, and anthemon. a flower (Cistaceae). Sun Rose. A genus of evergreen and semi-evergreen shrubs, sub-shrubs, perennial plants and annuals, very free flowering. Numerous named varieties and hybrids are grown and four species are native plants. Species cultivated Cultivation As the name implies, a sunny spot is essential for the sun […]

Plumbago Passion

I am very prone to love at first sight. In fact, it happened just last week. I saw a tall southerner “across a crowded room”, as the song says. My heart stood still (as another song says). I was enraptured. The tall stranger was plumbago (Plumbago auriculata, also known as Plumbago capensis), which is sometimes also known by its extremely […]

Selecting the Correct Tree to Plant

Planting a tree takes a lot of thought. We may have to consider if we want a tree that is: Lets read more about to assist in understanding these factors. Trees decorative throughout the year Decorative bark and good foliage color Broad-leaved ACER CAPILLIPES Young bark striated with white; young growths coral red, leaves turning crimson in autumn. A. davidii, […]

Adding Color to your garden

The colors chosen in the planning of a garden are very much a matter of personal taste but there are particularly pleasing combinations. Nature seldom, if ever, makes mistakes with color. Every hue seems to have full value and expression, not only to its advantage but also to that of the others surrounding it. Color clashes seldom occur in nature. […]

Drought Tolerant Plants

Drought-tolerant plants have become increasingly popular as eco-conscious individuals and gardeners seek sustainable landscaping solutions. These resilient plants are designed to thrive in arid conditions, requiring minimal water input while still adding vibrancy and beauty to your garden or landscape. With climate change and water scarcity concerns on the rise, the demand for drought-tolerant options has surged. Incorporating these plants […]

Protecting Plants from the Sun and Heat

The gardener must at times give plants protection against too intense light and against excessively high temperatures. Damage from intense light is most likely to occur when naturally shade loving plants are exposed to direct, strong sunshine; when sun loving plants, comparatively soft and tender from being grown in a greenhouse or cold frame, are transferred outdoors; and after plants […]

Potted Shrub Roses for Instant Color

Do you have small space to plant or little time to garden? Then look no further than a shrub rose. A potted Star® Landscape Shrub Rose blooms from spring well into fall frost with little care for year-round color and non-stop blooming Shrub roses look beautiful cascading from a hanging basket or spilling over the sides of a container, either […]

Growing Calanthe Orchid

Autumn and winter flowering evergreen and leaf-losing Orchids natives of Asia, Africa and Australasia. The name Calanthe is derived from the Greek kalos, beautiful, and anthos, a flower. Calanthe belongs to the family Orchidaceae. Leaf-Losing Kinds Of these, the two most important species are C. rosea and C. vestita. The latter has the larger flowers, with usually white segments, and […]

Growing Guide for Geranium Plant

How to grow Geranium From the Greek geranos, a crane, because the seed pod resembles a crane’s head and beak (Geraniaceae). Crane’s-bill. A genus of hardy herbaceous summer-flowering perennials with lobed or cut leaves, widely distributed over the temperate regions of the world. They are easily cultivated, free flowering and some are useful rock garden plants, others good border plants. […]

Gardeners can choose from many species of Gladioli – Gladiolus

Approximately 180 species of gladiolus are available to the gardener. Originating from South Africa on rocky slopes, marshy areas and grasslands, they are also found growing in the Mediterranean, Asia and Central Europe. The latin name “Gladiolus” means “small sword”, which is referring to the shape of the leaves and flower spike. They were at one time referred to, as […]