Growing Brussels Sprouts

BRUSSELS SPROUTS This fall and winter vegetable is included in the Mustard family, Cruciferae, and is referred to botanically as Brassica oleracea gemmifera. The plant originated as far back as the 14th century near Brussels, Belgium, from which town it gets its name. The sprouts are miniature “cabbages” or “buttons,” each, when usable, about 1 1/2-2 in. in diameter, and […]

All-American Vegtable Selection

When filling out your seed orders this winter, you may want to include some of the new vegetable varieties for 2002. This year five vegetables–two pumpkins, a winter squash, a slicing cucumber, and a sweet basil–were chosen as All-America Selections (AAS) winners. These varieties, along with hundreds of others, were grown in test gardens all over the country. Throughout the […]

How to use Basil

Basil is a well-known culinary herb that’s popular in many Italian dishes. But did you know that there are many other uses of this herb, including its use as a tonic to aid in digestion? The most common use of basil is for cooking, such as in tomato sauce, pesto, or vinegars. But it also can be sprinkled over salads […]

Salad Recipe – Let’s Plant!

These are crops grown especially for salads and those which, although suitable for other use, may also be added to the salad bowl. You should create your own salad recipe of plants. Lettuce is the foundation of most salads and the gardener may take his choice from the many butterheads, crispheads, cos and loose leaf varieties. `May Queen’ is liked […]

Birds in your garden Bird House design and food

How to Attract Them and Care for Them All who have closely studied birds claim that the set by the good which they do. On the other damage, they may do in gardens is more than offhand, gardeners without an intimate knowledge of birds are generally quick to recognize the harm done and slow to acknowledge the services that they […]

How to grow parsley plant from parsley seed

Parsley Cultivation The point to remember about parsley is that it is certain to be needed by the cook at all times of the year. To allow for this, frequent (at least three) sowings should be made between March and September. Large beds of parsley will not be required by the average family and so the plants may be used […]

How to grow savoy cabbage

Savoy This hardy plant, a type of cabbage, has been grown in Britain since the seventeenth century. The leaves are quite distinct from those of other cabbages, being very puckered or crimped. Although there are early varieties, most gardeners prefer those which are of use during the winter and early spring. Successional crops are obtained by choosing drumheads for cutting […]

Banana Growing and Planting Guide

A native of the East Indies and other tropical countries, the Banana can be grown and fruited successfully in a roomy, well-heated greenhouse; it is usually seen in botanical garden collections of economic plants. In the far South, some kinds are grown outdoors. In habit and general appearance, it differs from the majority of plants. The long fleshy leafstalks, which […]

How to grow Collard Greens from seed

Collards These are small, hardy types of cabbage cropping in autumn or winter and useful as a catch crop following the harvesting of, say, early broad beans, peas or potatoes. They are not widely grown, but are most useful, especially for smaller gardens. They are green throughout, with hearts looser than in the white-hearted cabbages. Cultivation Seed is sown in […]