Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

Carving Pumpkins for Halloween Now is the time to consider the great pumpkin you’ll be carving this Halloween. As you know, Linus would wait all night for the Great Pumpkin, but I wouldn’t take a cue from Linus. I’d head […]

Cucumber and Squash Growing facts

Cucumbers and squash are such productive vegetables that only a few plants will provide an abundant harvest.  Experiment with unique selections that are rarely seen in stores. For example, long slender Oriental cucumbers or petite pickling cucumbers are simple to […]

Halloween Horticulture

What would Halloween be without pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns and decorations? Although this is the plant most often associated with Halloween today, it may surprise you to know that in the past, other fruits and vegetables had strong connections to this […]

How to grow big pumpkins

Do you want to learn how to grow a BIG PUMPKIN? Keep reading, I’ll provide you what’s required to get the job done. Remember, LUCK and a lot of extra work are required to grow a giant pumpkin. Yes, you […]