Cornell Epiphytic Soil Mixture Recipe The Cornell Epiphytic Mix was developed for plants that require good drainage and aeration and can withstand drying between waterings. Plants having coarse, tuberous, or rhizomatous roots are in this category. * Fir bark comes from […]
Standard Potting Mix
Standard Potting Mix 1.5 Bales of LakelandCoarse Peat2 Bags of Supreme Perlite1 Bag of TurfaceTotal: 9.75Bushels6.00 Bushels1.50 Bushels 17.0 Bushels Add by weight: DolomiteGS AG;MicromaxAquagro `G’Osmocote 18-6-12 950gms (56 gm per bushel)515 gms (30 gm per bushel)515 gms (30 gm […]
Garden Loam Potting Soil
GARDEN LOAM POTTING SOIL Pass the garden loam through a 1/4 in (0.6 cm) sieve Warm oven to 180 degrees F (82 C) for 10 minutes Place on center rack Place foil over tray and make sure the soil reaches […]
A. Knutson Potting mix
A. Knutson Potting mix Cuttings: I use composted manure mixed with sawdust to root cuttings in — it works great; don’t need rooting hormones. I use a 50:50 vermiculite/peat mix to start seeds Transplants and containers: 1/3 composted manure, 1/3 […]
Orchid Potting Mix
Orchid Potting Mix 1 part peat moss 6 parts fir bark 1 part medium grade charcoal Articles Grow Delphiniums from Seed Container Gardening Recipes Garden Loam Potting Soil John Innes Potting Compost Orchid Potting Mix Cacti Potting Mix Alpines Potting […]
Potting Soil Recipes and Soil Reconditioning
GARDEN LOAM POTTING SOIL Pass the garden loam through a 1/4 in (0.6 cm) sieve Warm oven to 180 degrees F (82 C) for 10 minutes Place on center rack Place foil over tray and make sure the soil reaches […]
Soil Humus
Soil Humus Humus is the term used to describe the organic matter in the soil. Its presence in adequate quantities is a vital factor in building up and maintaining soil fertility. Humus may consist of decayed vegetable or animal refuse, […]