SPRING PRUNING of established roses is always a gamble. If you prune too early, late spring frosts can kill all the canes. If you prune too late, some of the plants’ strength will be lost in the growth of the top shoots (spinach). You and you alone must be the judge of when to prune your roses. All roses must […]
Plant a Garden Hedge
HEDGES THAT CAN TAKE IT! Seemingly, many home gardeners fail to appreciate the value and proper use of pruning shears, plant food, and mulches in the care of hedges. It doesn’t take a lot of time or effort to grow beautiful hedges, and hedge plants are not especially exacting in their requirements, but a few conditions must be met. SELECT […]
How to prune Apple trees
There is no set type for the shape of a bearing Apple tree, because, depending upon variety, the younger trees will vary from growing erect and slender to open and spreading. Eventually, as the tree matures, it will develop into a fine spreading type. Observe your particular tree and if it is of the narrow erect type, according to its […]
Gardening in November – Pruning and training
Gardening in November Pruning and Training A good month for planting or moving roses, too. Cut them well back to stop wind-rock and to encourage strong new growth next year. Fix some wire hoops around multi-stemmed conifers in snowy areas to stop sudden heavy falls spraining the stems under the weight of snow. Where diseases are a problem on roses, […]