Azalea Growing Care and Pruning Guide

Free-blooming Shrubs for Lime-free Soils and Pot Culture  (Aza’lea). Botanists now classify all plants they once called Azaleas as Rhododendrons. Garden lovers still use Azalea for deciduous or leaf-losing kinds and for a few that are not, and the name Rhododendron for evergreen kinds which have large, leathery leaves. In the treatment that follows, Azalea is used as a common […]

A Guide to Growing Carnations

CARNATION: FOR GREENHOUSE AND OUTDOORS Carnations in all their various forms are generally considered to be derivatives of Dianthus Caryophyllus, although the origin of some is not entirely clear. In North America, when referring to carnations, we immediately think of the carnation of commerce, the continuous or perpetual flowering carnation that is commonly grown under glass. There are, however, various […]

Gardening Guidance for Delphiniums

Hardy perennial and annual plants of varying heights which bloom in June and July chiefly; the original species or wild types from which the modern beautiful varieties are descended are natives of California, Siberia, Syria, India and other countries. Delphinium Ajacis, originally from eastern Europe is one of the plants from which the annual Larkspurs have been raised. Delphinium belongs […]

Garden bulbs for the home and garden

They Play an Important Part in Beautifying Gardens Throughout the Greater Part of the Year Most surely throughout the year no flowers are more welcome than those of the bulbs (see Bulb) which herald the spring and continue in a glorious pageant of color until the first of the summer blooms commence to unfold. And the fact that they are […]

Protect Hedgehogs in Your Garden this Autumn

The news has been awash with UK Environment Secretary Owen Paterson’s issues in relation to the badger cull. There has been fierce opposition to this issue. No one seems certain whether this strategy will help make a positive impact on the reduction of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. With fierce protests and ongoing issues yet to be resolved, it seems this […]

ASPIDISTRA ELATIOR – Parlor Palm, Cast Iron Plant

A particularly tough house and greenhouse plant with long, broad, evergreen leaves. It is a suitable plant for planting outdoors in shady places where winters are mild. Even at New York City it has been known to live outdoors for several years, but the winters there are too severe for it to thrive. It is a native of China and […]

Growing Primroses the Guarantee Way

The few requirements for primroses are easily met and are found in practically every garden. They do require shade throughout Mid-America, but this is always available on the north side of the house or in the shade of shrubs, evergreens, or trees. Primroses not only offer a variety of form, size, color, the habit of growth, but bloom (depending upon […]

Plant care for Dwarf Morning Glory -Convolvulus, Annual Flower Information

CONVOLVULUS Dwarf Convolvulus (Dwarf Morning-glory) (Latin meaning to twine) These plants deserve wider acquaintance. They are not strictly Morning glories because the flowers are open all day in good weather. They also differ from the climbing sorts in that each flower is usually of three colors: The main part is either blue, pink, or purple; the center is yellow, and […]

Plant care for Lobelia, Annual Flower Information

LOBELIA (Named for M. L’Obel, botanist and physician of King James I) Clear blues are found among the annual Lobelias. The varieties of the Edging Lobelia, Lobelia erinus, the common species, are of two sorts-those which produce compact plants four inches tall, and trailing forms, which hang down for two or three feet over the sides of a pot. The […]

SILENE – Catchfly, Annual Flower Information

SILENE – Catchfly (From the Greek for saliva, referring to the stickiness of the stems of some species) The Sweet-William Catchfly, Silene armeria, is a little known but worthy annual and grows 1 to 2 feet tall. The flowers are delicate pink or rose-colored, and are produced in compound cymes, each flower with a short stem, thus differing from a […]