Plume poppy, Macleaya cordata, Bocconia, Tree Celandine The Plume Poppy (Bocconia cordata, Macleaya cordata) is perhaps one of the most imposing plants of the hardy border, for it grows from 6 feet to 10 feet high. The general aspect of […]
VERBENA – Annual Flower Information
The rich colors of the Verbena have endeared it to us for years and years. Our mothers and their mothers grew it, and we have seen them use hairpins to get it to root along the stems. Most persons know […]
COSMOS (Cosmea) (Mexican-aster), Annual Flower Information
COSMOS (Cosmea) (Mexican-aster) (The name comes from the Greek for orderliness, hence an ornament or a beautiful plant) The Cosmos is not as impatient about coming into bloom as most annuals but waits until it has made its growth before […]
Macleaya – Perennial Plant, How to grow
Commemorating Alexander Macleay, 1767-1848, Secretary of the Linnean Society (Papaveraceae). This genus, sometimes listed under the synonym Bocconia, consists of two Chinese species of perennial herbaceous plants very valuable in the garden. Their most outstanding virtue is their great height […]