From the Greek helein, to kill, bora, food; some species are poisonous (Ranunculaceae). Hellebore. Hardy perennials, often retaining their leaves through the winter, with thick fibrous roots. All flower early in the year and the flowers are long lasting. Most […]
My mother, a woman for whom good taste meant a great deal, would not have approved of Sarah, our gray half-grown kitten. Sarah, for whom happiness and flatulence seem inextricably linked, is not always fit for polite company. Fortunately she […]
Digitalis – Foxglove, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Digitalis – Foxglove, Witches’ Thimbles A well grown Foxglove in full flower is a plant of dignity and beauty. The long flowering spikes grow from 3 to 6 feet tall, rising high above large clumps of broad, downy leaves. Upon […]
Growing Guide for Caladium Plant
Tropical plants which are grown for the sake of their large, ornamental leaves; they are natives of South America and belong to the Arum family, Araceae. The leaves, which develop annually from tubers, are heart-shaped and richly colored and vary […]
DATURA Floripondio (Trumpet flower), Annual Flower Information
DATURA Floripondio (Trumpet flower) These large-flowered annuals are related to the common Jimson weed. Their flowers are trumpet-shaped, white, purple, or yellow in color, and sometimes 6 inches long. Datura fastuosa (cornucopia) is the common white species. The flowers are […]