Summer Water Pond care and Algae

Summer care and Algae By the Pond Lady Summer is here and everything in your pond is in full rhythm, flowers are blooming, and your fish are active. Algae is growing, and you’re wondering what do I do about that […]

Growing tips for leafy green vegetables

LEAFY GREENS Lettuce leads the way among garden-grown greens and few vegetables are as easy to grow in the cool weather of spring and fall. Instead of trying to grow hard-headed iceberg types, fill your garden with the unusual colors […]

Growing Guide for Delphiniums

From the Greek dolphin, a dolphin, the flowerbuds having some resemblance to that sea creature (Ranunculaceae). Larkspur. The genus consists of annual, biennial and herbaceous perennial plants, mostly hardy and showy plants for border cultivation, with some dwarf species suitable […]

Mulching – Protect plants from the hot weather

Summer Mulching. An even temperature around the roots and a steady supply of moisture in the soil are all important to growing plants. A mulch, applied in early summer after hot weather begins, tends to maintain these conditions as well […]

Water drainage requirements for your garden

The soil must have adequate drainage; otherwise, air may be excluded, and the more beneficial micro-organisms may be destroyed. Soils which have poor drainage are often sour and acid. It will be necessary to improve this acidity by applications of […]

How to start Gardening

No recreation costs so little or gives so much fun and satisfaction as gardening. A few dollars and  just a little plot of ground starts you. Here are the basic tools needed for a small garden: Spade or spading fork. […]

How to Design a Water Pond

Once you have settled on a potential site for your pond, you need to decide on the size. If you want fish and a variety of plants, it would be best to have a larger in-ground pond. This doesn’t mean […]