The flowers of this plant are a delight to those who admire extreme grace, dainty markings, and fantastic forms. Many flowers have been compared by writers to butterflies , but it is only this one that has received the name of Butterfly flower. The Butterfly weed (Asclepias) and the Butterfly bush (Buddleia) is so-called not because they resemble butterflies, but […]
Marigold, Annual Flower Information
Marigold (Tages was an Etruscan god, but perhaps the name is of another derivation) Even the name-Mary’s Gold-captivates us, and what could be more appropriate? The flowers of these old, old favorites are in some varieties veritably made of flakes of gold. How easy it is to be wealthy with Mary’s Gold. The Aztec (African) Marigold (T. erecla) has large […]
How to grow a annual flower from seed
Seed of hardy annuals may be planted in the open ground where it’s to flower; it is that simple. The main requirements are an full sunny position and a well-drained soil. Obviously, the condition of the soil will be reflected in the quality of the flowers produced and to get the best results the ground should be well cultivated in […]
Using annual flowers for quick color
When you want lots of color quickly, flowers to cut by the armful and bloom all summer, you want annuals. For earliest possible bloom, sow seeds indoors, then transplant-or buy started plants in May. But you’ll still get plenty of flowers if you wait till the danger of frost is past and sow the seed of quick-growing varieties where you […]
MIMULUS Monkey flower, Annual Flower Information
MIMULUS (Monkey flower) (Name from Mimo, an ape, refers to gaping mouth of flower) The flowers of this interesting genus are curiously shaped and spotted with contrasting colors. Those generally seen are bright yellow, spotted with maroon, red or orange. a: Mimulus moschalus is the Musk plant, so-called because of its musk-scented leaves. It is really a trailing perennial with […]
SALPIGLOSSIS Painted-tongue Scalloped Tube tongue, Annual Flower Information
Were an artist to look upon a Petunia and wish that it had a delicate pattern traced upon its petals, he would create in his mind the Salpiglossis. The funnel-shaped flowers are borne upright upon slender but strong branches two feet tall. The flowers of Salpiglossis sinuala are crimson and gold, yellow and white, darkest maroon, scarlet and gold, violet […]
BARTONIA (Mentzelia) (Blazing-star), Annual Flower Information
BARTONIA (Mentzelia) (Blazing-star) (Named for Dr. Barton, American botanist) Were it not for the straggling growth, Barlonia aurea (Menlzelia lindleyi) would be a much more popular annual. The glistening, Poppy-like flowers are golden and are furnished with countless stamens at the center. The petals have an abrupt, sharp point. The flowers are fragrant at night. The foliage is gray, hairy, […]
What Gardening Chores you need to do in August where you live.
Learn the August garden tasks for your gardening hardiness zone . Do you know what your hardiness zone? Once known, then find the required task. Zone 1 Sow seeds of wildflowers and fall veggies Aerate, dethatch and fertilize the lawn As first frosts threaten, pick mature green tomatoes to ripen in a dark, cool place indoors Purchase containerized trees and […]
How to grow Trollius
Trollius A well-grown group of troll us in full flower is a really beautiful sight. This flower belongs to the buttercup family, and it is one of the finest border plants in existence. Some know it as the globeflower. Of all the bright color masses you can get from hardy perennials, one of the most striking is given us by […]
Hornbeam Growing Guide – Carpinus
Mostly hardy, leaf-losing trees or large shrubs native to Europe, eastern Asia, the Himalayas and North and Central America; they belong to the Birch family, Betulaceae. They range in height from 15-80 ft., the trees usually having short trunks, and the wood is very hard and durable. The name Carpinus is a Latin word used by Pliny. Hornbeams grow fairly […]