How often we are tempted to praise the beauties of some foreign flower while our excellent native ones pass by with little attention. There are many sorts of Eupatoriums and most of them can be found growing wild in our own country. The hardy Ageratum or Mist, Flower (Eupatorium or Conoclinium calestinum) has myriads of small, fluffy, azure-blue flowers which are in bloom during August and September. The plant reaches a height of 2 feet. The White Snakeroot (E. urlicaefolium or ageraloides) has pure white flowers and grows from 4 feet to 5 feet tall, while the Boneset or Thoroughwort (E. per foliaium), which also has white flowers, only grows 9, feet or 3 feet tall. The leaves of this sort are in pairs, united at the base about the stem. The Joe-Pye Weed (E. purpureum) is very tall, growing from 4 feet to 10 feet and has large, purple, showy heads of flowers. The leaves are in whorls. Most of them bloom in late Summer or early Autumn with an average height of 3 feet to 5 feet.
UTILIZE. The Joe-Pye Weed is found in wet meadows or along streams and will naturalize easily along woodland streams, or moist places in parks. The tllist-Flower and the White Snakeroot are excellent for cutting purposes. All Eupatoriums are good in borders with the taller ones in the background, or to naturalize in woodlands. Some of them are excellent to use with shrubs.
GENERAL. They are of easiest culture, growing in almost any soil, although a rather light, well drained soil and a sunny position will produce large plants with numerous blooms. The Joe-Pye Weed, however, requires a moist situation. These plants increase in profusion of flowers and size of trusses when transplanted from the wild.
PROPAGATION. They are propagated from seeds or by division of the clumps.