How o Find Bulbs
If you are not sure which bulbs will grow in your garden, or if you want to search on colour or any other feature you can think of –
If you are a connaisseur, or like to become one, if you want to search on botanical names or like to learn about the original habitat and history of bulbs – you are looking for the Bulb Encyclopedia
About Tulips and other Bulbs
Bulbs are easy to grow, provided that you stick to some essentials. Probably no other plant group gives as much variety and pleasure to the gardener with so little effort. And if you don’t have a garden, bulbs do very well in pots and containers. If you know a few tricks, some can even be induced to flower indoors!
Bulbs can be divided in three groups: spring flowering, summer flowering and autumn flowering bulbs.
Well-known spring flowering bulbs are Tulips, Daffodils, Crocuses,Hyacinths and Alliums. Spring flowering bulbs have in common that they need to be planted some 3–4 weeks before the frost is in the ground. They need the cold season to start their biological clock. Hence in general spring flowering bulbs will grow in climate zones 4-8.
Well-known summer flowering bulbs are Dahlias, Begonias, Lilies, and Gladiolas. Summer flowering bulbs are planted late spring. A couple of months later they will bloom. Summer flowering bulbs will bloom in most climates but most of them are not winter hardy. Hence in cold climates most summer flowering bulbs should be lifted and stored to be used the next season.
Well-known autumn flowering bulbs are Autumn Crocuses and Colchicums. Autumn flowering bulbs are planted in summer. They will add some colour to your garden when it is most needed.
Where to plant the garden flower bulb
How to plant a garden bulb – Tulips, Daffodils, Lily, etc
Flower garden bulbs, Corms or Tubers for your garden.
How to Select Bulbs, Corms and Tubers in a Garden Store
When to shop for Bulbs, Corms and Tubers in the Garden Stores.
What is a garden bulb, corm and tuber?