Plant Hardiness Zone Map

What are hardiness zones? It seems every gardening book and nursery catalog refers to plant hardiness zones, also known as climate zones or growing zones. If you’re new to gardening, you may be wondering what all the fuss is with these zones, and how to find out which zone you are gardening in. Basically, plant hardiness zones are a guide […]

A Guide to America’s Hardiness Zones

A gardener in Pheonix, Arizona, and a gardener in Bangor, Maine has vastly different gardening quandaries. It should go without saying that a region’s climate has a profound impact on its gardens; the temperature, the humidity, the precipitation, and more affect the region in the short and long term, so gardeners need to fully understand their climate to keep their […]

Australian Hardiness Planting Zones

Australian Hardiness Planting Zones This map is from the Australian Government Bureau or Meteorology . Hardiness zones are a way of classifying areas based on their average minimum winter temperatures. In Australia, there are 10 hardiness zones, ranging from zone 1 (the coldest) to zone 10 (the warmest). These zones are used to help gardeners determine which plants are likely […]

Helping Your St. Augustine Grass Survive the Winter

When you live in the south, there’s nothing quite like St. Augustine Grass to give you a lush and beautiful front lawn.  Its durability helps it stand up the rigors of a southern summer, and its resistance to salinity means it’s appropriate even if you have a home on the coast.  For those who live a bit further north and […]

Winter Protection for Plants

Winter Protection for Plants In winter, low temperatures as well as too intense light, lack of water (when the soil is frozen the moisture in it cannot be absorbed by the roots), and wind may cause damage. Some harm is directly due to the effects of below freezing temperatures on the tissues of tender plants; other damage is indirect—for example, […]


COMPOST FEEDING YOUR PUMPKIN By: George Brooks Although this season isn’t even over yet you should start planning for next year to improve your chances of growing a big one. The following article is about one method that has given me excellent results over the last three seasons. This is not the only good method out there but is one […]

10 Pumpkin Poems

Pumpkin Poem or Two by Tony Hickman All poems are copyrighted. Request to publish any poem requires permission from Tony Hickman. If you would like to see how my pumpkin patch is doing this 2001, please stop by. WHO Who’s got the biggestAnd who’s didn’t bustWho’s telling liesAnd who can we trustWho’s keeping secretsAnd who’s helping outWho’s filled with confidenceAnd […]

Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

Carving Pumpkins for Halloween Now is the time to consider about the great pumpkin you’ll be carving this Halloween. As you know, Linus would wait all night for the Great Pumpkin, but I wouldn’t take a cue from Linus. I’d head directly to the patch with the kids in tow. Once there, after your children have moved, rolled and lifted […]

How to plant Dahlias and care for them through the season

Growing Dahlias for fun and prizes! Other than an important place in perennial borders and beds, dahlias have a definite place of their own … grown In gardens by themselves, carefully staked, fed, watered, and disbudded with extreme care, they will produce relatively few flowers of overwhelming size and perfection. They have become known as the Man’s Flower. – Today’s […]

Lawn Care Tips: How To Prepare For The Upcoming Cold Season

Never let all the hard work on your lawn go to waste this upcoming cold season. By winterizing your lawn, you can provide proper lawn care prior to the cold weather. Winterizing is a simple process, which involves several steps that can help your lawn grow back in full force when spring comes. As a matter of fact, preparing your […]