Callirhoe – Poppy Mallow
The Poppy Mallow has long, trailing stems with many saucer shaped or Poppy-shaped flowers. These flowers are borne in the axils of the leaves and vary in color from rosy crimson to cherry red and rose, with white centers. Callirhoe involucrata is the most useful species and blooms all during the Summer and early Fall. The leaves are deeply cut and hairy. Height 6 inches to 8 inches.
UTILIZE. The Poppy Mallow is good for small borders, or for the rock garden.
GENERAL. It is of easiest culture, growing rapidly during the Summer months. It thrives in sunny, dry positions, where the roots penetrate to a great depth.
PROPAGATION. These plants exhaust themselves easily and should be renewed often They are propagated by seeds and cuttings.