Our gardens endow our homes with an aesthetic ambiance that it is almost impossible to have a complete home in the absence of a colorful garden. However, when you look closely the centerpiece of any garden lies in color. Color gives your garden life, mood, and disposition. Therefore, when choosing flowers for your garden from Florist Belfast you need to pay special attention to the overall color combination. For instance, some colors are serene while others will give your garden an energizing effect. If you have an idea of the effect you want for your garden, then it becomes easy to choose the best flowers. However, remember that it is your garden and it is meant to make you happy therefore you can have any combination you desire. Here are some guidelines to assist you towards the best flowers to plant for the most colorful garden.
Most people think of dark colors and what comes to mind is a boring and dull effect. However, when it comes to flowers dark colors such as purple and blue actually have a calming effect. If you desire to create a serene atmosphere in your garden where you can read your favorite novel or have peaceful yoga sessions, then you should definitely go for flowers with dark colors. Examples include blue hibiscus, angel face, bellflower, skyflower, and spring starflower. What you need to know about dark colors is that they have a magnifying effect on space. Therefore, if you have a small garden you might want to use more dark colors to give it a more spacious appearance. Dark colors also blend perfectly with neutral colors therefore you can have a combination of the two without worrying too much about a clashing effect.
Bright colors include shades of orange, yellow, and red. Bright colors have exactly the opposite effect created by dark colors. Bright colors focalize and magnify your attention therefore they have an energizing effect. They are the best flowers to brighten your moods during those afternoons you find yourself extremely fatigued and low. Bright colors are perfect for creating a partying atmosphere in your garden therefore you can have the desired combination of bright colors whenever you are holding parties. However, when working with bright colors it is necessary to practice moderation because too many bright colors, especially red, can be irritating. When combined with bright colors, neutral colors will have a perfect moderating effect.
AS the name suggests neutral colors are neutral and they will only moderate but not alter the desired effect when combined with other colors. White flowers fall under this category. However, when working with white you have to be cautious because depending on the time of the day, white flowers can be considered bright. White flowers shine early in the morning and after dark. However, during the day they will have little effect on your garden. If you are the kind of person who visits your garden early in the morning or late in the evening, then you should probably consider adding white flowers in your garden to give it a bright, fresh, and energizing effect.
Harmonizing colors to end up with a desirable effect is often a challenge to most people. When mixing colors one thing to avoid is color clashing. The only way to do this is to use a color wheel that you can easily get from any stationery outlet in your locality. Always use colors next to each on the color wheel and you will never go wrong when flowers of different colors for your garden. The farther you go from a given color in the wheel the more likely you are to color clash.
The best flowers to plant for the most colorful garden depends on your desired effect. Everyone needs a garden that makes them happy therefore people will have unique preferences when it comes to the choice of flowers for their garden. However, it is important to note that the color of the flowers play a key role in giving you the atmosphere you desire for your garden. In essence, the guidelines outlined above are meant to assure you of the desired effect whatever combination you choose. You can be adventurous and play around with different colors until you end up with what makes you happy as long as you follow this guide.