Gardening in November – Pruning and training

Gardening in November Pruning and Training A good month for planting or moving roses, too. Cut them well back to stop wind-rock and to encourage strong new growth next year. Fix some wire hoops around multi-stemmed conifers in snowy areas […]

Gardening tasks to Do in November

These are the days when the gardens are ready for a nap when the air is brisk when we are pleased with our homes. The gardener has faith in the rhythm of the seasons, in the succes­sion of seedtime and […]

Fall Garden Maintenance

At the first killing frost, when the growing season ends, it is time for the gardener to give attention to maintaining the various man-made features of his home landscape. Fall is a perfect time for this-cool weather, and no pressing […]

Autumn Fall Garden Color

By the autumn many of the summer-flowering plants are all but over and, although there are many plants which will provide a display of flowers in September and October, and even into early November, much can be done to make […]

Autumn Dilemma

It used to be so easy in my father’s day. In mid-winter, gardeners received mail-order catalogs from many far-flung nurseries and plant purveyors. Mailboxes groaned under the weight of all the catalogs, but no one minded because there is nothing […]

Growing Guide for Hepatica

Hepatica Plant Care Today I went out my back door and noticed that one of my rosebushes was, unexpectedly, sporting a fresh new flower bud.  It was within a day or so of opening up–small, greenish and obviously defiant of […]

Helleborus – Perennial Plant, How to grow

From the Greek helein, to kill, bora, food; some species are poisonous (Ranunculaceae). Hellebore. Hardy perennials, often retaining their leaves through the winter, with thick fibrous roots. All flower early in the year and the flowers are long lasting. Most […]

Gardens in Bloom

One of the great things about walking for exercise is that it allows you to see marvelous things—architectural details on buildings, variations in paving and curbing materials, and, of course, gardens. Experience and the loud honking of other peoples’ horns […]