Growing and planting Marigolds: African and French Marigolds

Useful and Easily Grown Flowers for Garden and Greenhouse Tagetes (Tage’tes) are annuals of great decorative value during the summer and autumn months. They are natives of Mexico and South America and belong to the Daisy family, Compositae. The name is said to have been derived from a mythological deity, Tages. These Marigolds are quite distinct from the Pot Marigold […]

Growing and planting tips for tomato and peppers

TOMATOES All gardeners take pride in vine-ripened tomatoes. In addition to traditional red tomatoes, you can grow tomatoes that ripen to yellow, orange, and even purple. Small cherry tomatoes are ideal for salads and fleshy paste tomatoes cook into a rich, thick sauce. Tomatoes are not difficult to grow, provided they get plenty of sun and warmth. PEPPERS Peppers are […]

How to grow Radish from seed

Radishes Seeds of this quick-growing vegetable may be sown for salads at intervals from early March to October. It is generally treated as a catch crop, being sown on a piece of ground which is intended for cabbages or some other crop to be planted subsequently. A rich, moist soil and cool conditions yield the most succulent radishes. Slow growth […]

Protecting Your Garden Equipment: An All-Season Guide

Picture this: you’re an enthusiastic gardener, ready for a weekend of fruitful toil, only to discover rust on your favourite shears or your lawnmower refusing to start. Sound familiar? Such is a common woe faced by garden lovers across the country. Your garden equipment – the heart and soul of your green pursuits – often faces the brunt of weather […]

Gardening tasks to Do in May

MAY is the joyous month of the year, when old and young are working in their gardens. Perennials are now com­ing into bloom, but the various bulbous flowers are putting forth every effort to distract our attention from their fair sisters. The unwise annuals are grow­ing, preparing for their profusion of bloom, overlooking the fact that other plants are conserving […]

Storing Fruits and Vegetables

Storing your own fruits and vegetables at home at the end of the growing season, following a few simple guidelines, will enable you to have food of good nutrition and flavor into the fall and winter.  It is a good way to keep extra produce you can’t eat right away from the garden, and to save money later at the […]

Beans How to grow and care for this vegetable

What to know about vegetable beans. BEANS: THE PRINCIPAL TYPES Full Details of How to Grow These Nutritious Vegetables Beans as a group constitute one of the largest vegetable food crops; their culture is extensive and widespread. They mature crops quickly when used as green vegetables, thrive successfully in most temperate and warm climates, and are valuable items in the […]

How to Grow Potato: Most useful of vegetables

The Potato is widely cultivated in temperate regions, and its stem tubers, which grow underground, are a popular food. A tender, herbaceous perennial. The plant comes from South America where it was highly valued by the Indians. Its botanical name is Solanum tuberosum; it belongs to the family Solanaceae. Growing and Planting Potatoes. Potatoes can be cultivated in many different […]


ROOT crops are now generally considered just as essential to the welfare of our bodies during the winter months as are beans, corn, and peas during the summer months. Incidentally, while it is true that some of these root crops, like beets and carrots, are more tender if stored in cans rather than sand or soil, it cannot be denied […]

Common Problems with Vegetables

Divided the vegetable crops grown in gardens into the following headings for ease of reference them in this order: Root crops Legumes (peas and beans) Brassica crops (cabbage and related crops) Potatoes Salad crops Other crops General problems—planning (a) ROOT CROPS Beet Q. A lot of my beet roots ‘bolt’, i.e. run to seed before the roots are properly developed. […]