Growing and Collecting Cacti

The growing and collecting of cacti has been a popular hobby in this country for many years. Their varied shapes and colors together with the colored spines make them fascinating and their spectacular flowers are an added interest for the […]

Planting Colorful Chrysanthemums for Your Garden

Beautiful hardy Fall Chrysanthemums October and November are the months which marshal in the Chrysanthemums and if these months be cold and rainy, the flowers do not develop well, but if the days are warm and the nights frosty, but […]

Growers Guide for Sweet Pea – Lathyrus

A genus of hardy annual and herbaceous perennial climbers from temperate zones and tropical mountains. Perennial species grown today               Where to plant and grow Any good rich soil is suitable. Plant the perennials in the autumn or spring, choosing a […]

Growing Guidance for Bougainvillea Vine

Climbing leaf-losing shrubby plants, from Brazil, which belong to the family Nyctaginaceae. They are cultivated outdoors in the far South and in colder climates in greenhouses. The slender woody stems are furnished with small, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, green leaves and […]

Growing Guide for Bergenia Plant

Named for Karl August von Bergen, 1704-60, German botanist (Saxifragaceae). These hardy perennial herbaceous plants with large evergreen leaves were at one time called megasea, and were at another time included with the saxifrages. The flowers which come in early […]

A Guide to Planting Gaillardia

Commemorating M. Gaillard de Marentonneau, a French patron of botany (Compositae). Blanket flower. A small genus of annuals and perennials, natives of America, with a long flowering period, useful for cutting flowers. Somewhat untidy in habit, the long stalks fall […]