How to remove moss from lawns

The mosses, or musci, form a subdivision of the plant group Bryophyta. They are very numerous. While possessing simple stems and leaves, they have no true roots. Mosses are anchored in their growing positions by rhizoids which are hairlike and without color. The physiological activities of roots are carried out by these. It should be noted that true mosses and […]

Ligularia – Perennial Plant, How to grow

  From the Latin ligula, a strap, referring to the strap-shaped ray florets (Cornpositae). A genus of about 80 species of herbaceous perennials, formerly included in Senecio but now placed in their own genus. These handsome members of the daisy family from the temperate zones of the Old World grow best in damp situations. In recent years they have been […]

Birds in your garden Bird House design and food

How to Attract Them and Care for Them All who have closely studied birds claim that the set by the good which they do. On the other damage, they may do in gardens is more than offhand, gardeners without an intimate knowledge of birds are generally quick to recognize the harm done and slow to acknowledge the services that they […]

Gold Of Ophir

Gold Of Ophir For centuries and perhaps even millennia people have been searching for the source of the Gold of Ophir. My own search started last week, and I am pleased to say that my shipment of the fabled cargo should arrive sometime in May. It all began when I opened up a popular magazine and read an essay written […]

Iris – Perennial Plant, How to grow

From the Greek iris, a rainbow (Iridaceae). A large genus of bulbous, creeping and tuberous rooted perennials, some of which are evergreen. They are natives of the north temperate zone from Portugal to Japan. Among the most varied and beautiful of flowers, irises have been compared to orchids by some gardeners who, without the required greenhouse facilities for orchids, have […]

What to know – Planting a Perennial flower garden

Perennials This term is used to describe a plant which does not die after flowering, but persists for a number of years, in contrast with an annual which flowers once and then dies after setting seed, and a biennial which completes its life-cycle in two years. The term ‘perennial’ may properly be applied to shrubs and trees but is more […]

Macleaya – Perennial Plant, How to grow

Commemorating Alexander Macleay, 1767-1848, Secretary of the Linnean Society (Papaveraceae). This genus, sometimes listed under the synonym Bocconia, consists of two Chinese species of perennial herbaceous plants very valuable in the garden. Their most outstanding virtue is their great height (8 feet or more) which lifts their large airy heads of tiny petal-less flowers and unusual rounded and lobed leaves […]

Incarvillea – Perennial Plant, How to grow

Commemorating Pierre d’Incarville (1706-57), a French Jesuit missionary to China (Bignoniaceae). A genus of about 6 species of herbaceous perennials, first introduced in the mid-nineteenth century, hardy or nearly hardy in suitable conditions. Species cultivated I. delavayi, 2 feet, rose-pink trumpet shaped flowers in May and June. I. grandiflora, 14 feet, large, deep rose-red flowers with orange tube, and throat […]

Planning the garden

Whether you specialize in any particular plant or not, the general design and layout of your garden must be pleasing and practical. There are some hard and fast rules to bear in mind, but in the main gardening is a subject upon which it is very hard to dogmatize, and the thing to remember is that the success or otherwise […]

How to grow parsley plant from parsley seed

Parsley Cultivation The point to remember about parsley is that it is certain to be needed by the cook at all times of the year. To allow for this, frequent (at least three) sowings should be made between March and September. Large beds of parsley will not be required by the average family and so the plants may be used […]