Growing cabbage and broccoli

The cabbage family includes the following vegetables that grow best in cool weather: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, collards, and a delicious, yet little-known vegetable, called kohlrabi. Most of these vegetables are sold as transplants in the spring and again in late summer for planting in the fall garden. They are not difficult to grow if you give them […]

How to grow Broccoli

Broccoli, Sprouting This is another variety, italica, of Brassica oleracea. Both purple and white sprouting produce a profusion of young shoots invaluable for prolonging the supplies of winter greens. Purple sprouting is the most hardy and will safely overwinter in most open situations. Young shoots may be produced for Christmas, but it is in March and April that the vegetable […]

How to grow Collard Greens plants with celery seeds

Sow celery thinly in pots or boxes in heat in March for early varieties, or in a cold house in mid-April for the main crop. Prick off into deep seed boxes as soon as the seedlings are large enough to handle, at 5cm (2in) intervals. After hardening off, plant out from mid May to the end of June, in prepared […]

Gardening with Pressure Treated Wood

Perils Of Pressure Treated Wood Now is the time for many gardeners to construct, repair or replace raised beds to get a jump on spring planting. It also gives us a great opportunity to prepare the soil inside for next year’s growing season. But did you know that the lumber you choose can actually hurt you? Pressure treated wood is […]

How to grow spinach from seed

It has been estimated that a 10m (30ft) row of spinach supplies just about the right amount for a family of four during the summer months. But one sowing is not sufficient. Fresh young foliage is demanded and where spinach is much appreciated, successional sowings should be made fortnightly between late March and mid-July. For later autumn supplies and for […]

Halloween Horticulture

What would Halloween be without pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns and decorations? Although this is the plant most often associated with Halloween today, it may surprise you to know that in the past, other fruits and vegetables had strong connections to this holiday. In England and Ireland, Halloween lanterns were originally carved out of turnips and large beets. Faces of demons were […]

Cucumber and Squash Growing facts

Cucumbers and squash are such productive vegetables that only a few plants will provide an abundant harvest.  Experiment with unique selections that are rarely seen in stores. For example, long slender Oriental cucumbers or petite pickling cucumbers are simple to grow, as are brightly colored summer squash and zucchini. These are also fast growing crops that start producing only six […]

How to grow a pea plant from a pea seed

Peas There are dwarf and taller pea varieties. Although plants of the short, dwarf varieties may be grown without supports it is the custom to provide all garden peas with supports of some sort. Twiggy brushwood of the height the plants will attain is much liked by gardeners . Bamboo canes linked together with strong thread or garden twine often […]

Important Facts About Hobby Greenhouses

It doesn’t matter if you’re investing in your first-ever greenhouse or have had one for many years. Everyone should know a selection of key facts regarding their greenhouse. A hobby greenhouse is a greenhouse used for gardening projects such as growing your own fruit and vegetables or your favorite selection of flowers. It is often used for preparing upcoming projects, […]

How to plant a carrot

Carrot Cultivation Carrots do best in deep, well-cultivated sandy loam, preferably well-manured for the previous crop. Fresh manure causes forking and excessive top growth. Apply a good compound fertilizer 7-10 days prior to sowing. This may be fish meal or 3 parts of superphosphate, 2 parts of sulfate of potash and 1 part of sulfate of ammonia, applied at 85g […]