Rose Gardening

All About Roses – C. Simone Given a writer with a willing pen, a day of June, a garden across which the soft wind comes full of the mingled scent of rose blossom-the delicate fragrance of the Teas, the deep scent of the full-colored Hybrid Perpetual’s and the old garden roses such as Cabbage, Provence and Sweetbriar, and the aromatic […]

Improving Soil to Plant a Rose bush

Once roses are planted they are destined to give great pleasure for many years to come. It is well worthwhile, therefore, to take a lot of trouble at this stage to carry out this operation with care. It’s a recommendation to allow the newly dug ground to settle for at least six weeks before planting anything in it. Really who […]

Pruning a Rose – Types of Pruning

Three different types of pruning are practiced by Rose gardeners : HARD PRUNING This consists in cutting a shoot back to three or four buds from its base; e.g. in a bush rose to an outward growing bud and at a point which is usually 5-6 in. from the ground. MODERATE PRUNING In this form of pruning, a shoot is […]

Beginners Guide for Planting Roses

There is probably more varied advice given on the planting of roses than on any item of gardening work; the soil preparation, which is a necessary preliminary and may be considered in connection with it, is the subject of even more contradictory direction. Rather than attempt to weigh the possible disadvantages of one method with the possible advantages of another, […]

Pruning Bush or Dwarf Roses

Pruning Bush or Dwarf Roses – And now to the pruning of roses that are not newly planted. I warn those who are not interested that it is a complex subject, but if it is any inducement to the reader to read on, I will be as brief as possible, if only for my own sake, for the printer is […]

Pruning Climbing Roses

Pruning Climbing Roses This need present no difficulty, although it is true it seems to puzzle many rose growers of some years’ standing. But, as a rule, where they err is not in pruning the plants insufficiently, but in pruning them too much. While systematic and regular pruning is good for dwarf roses, climbing varieties, as a rule, are all […]

How to care for a Rose per Season

Rose Maintenance Apart from pruning and fighting pests and diseases, which are discussed later, the maintenance of roses is not an onerous task. Spring Ensure that any roses loosened by the ravages of winter weather are well compressed. Step on the soil around the stem. Make sure that any broken stakes, posts, trellis, etc. are replaced or repaired. Particular attention […]

Propagating Roses

Because of the complexity of their pedigrees, roses other than the species cannot be grown true to variety from seeds. They are mainly propagated by budding, although they can be rooted from cuttings. They are, however, not so vigorous as those that are budded. Growing from Cuttings Hardwood cut­tings, about 1 ft. long and 1/4 in. in diameter, are taken […]

3 Creative Ideas to Spice up Your Rose Garden

I remember my parents telling me that I would grow out of my love of roses. It was a phase that children went through before they knew anything about flowers. I think they just didn’t want me to be a cliché! However, all these years later and roses are still my favorite type of flower. Even with a range of […]

How to Plant and Grow Roses

Roses are the staple in many gardens and have been for centuries, with wild roses having an even longer history.  Heirloom roses are lush, fragrant roses with varieties that can be grown in different climates from warm to mild. Hybrid modern roses are very hardy, having been bred for colour, size, shape and fragrance. Here we look at how to […]